Page 26 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 26
Namah Vol. 25, Issue 4, 15th January 2018
so there is indigestion and full sensation. in the body. Hence, it is useful in treating
Sometimes there is a salty taste in the mouth; digestive upsets or nausea after eating starchy
sometimes there is a craving for salt; and foods or fruits; and in morning diarrhoea
many troubles are aggravated by dwelling where the stools are greenish. It is called the
near the seashore. ‘liver salt’, since the liver is often swollen,
there is excessive bile (as in jaundice) or the
Nat Phos gall bladder is sensitive. The taste is bitter,
This salt maintains the alkaline balance in the the tongue is coated a dirty green-brown and
body. It emulsifies fatty acids and keeps the the discharges are greenish.
uric acid soluble in the blood. It is useful in
troubles of the stomach and intestines when Nat Sulf is used to cleanse the cellular wastes
there is ‘acidity’ — a burning sensation from the cells and the intercellular fluid. Hence,
with indigestion and gas. The digestive it is often called the detox salt. It is also used
tract is very sensitive and intolerant to ‘acid- to treat intermittent fevers (that come and go);
forming’ foods like milk, fats, sweets, alcohol influenza with coughs and colds; rheumatism
and vinegar. The person usually has a large due to toxaemia; and headaches which are
appetite, but feels worse after eating. Often dull and occipital (at the base of the head).
there is acid belching after eating; itching It also relieves the hangover that arises from
around the anus due to worms (which thrive taking excessive drinks. A feeling of dullness
in acidic conditions); obstinate constipation or and stuffiness in damp or wet weather always
constipation alternating with sour-smelling calls for this salt.
and burning diarrhoea with sudden urgings.
All the discharges here are characteristically The deficiency of this salt affects keratin, the
sour-smelling and creamy-yellow. The skin is fibrous tissue in the body. It gives rise to
sore and itching with eczema or yellow scabs. weakness in the connective tissues of bones,
Often there is eczema in the lower foot with glands, hair, mucous membranes, nails, skin
intolerable itching. and teeth. There is a typical brittleness of hair
and nails; and the skin develops wrinkles
This salt keeps urea soluble in the blood; and cracks.
otherwise uric acid salts can precipitate around
joints and ligaments of the body causing This salt will get rid of superfluous organic
stiffness in the skeletal muscles and swellings matter in the body. It functions like a surgeon
in the joints. Hence, this salt is known to relieve in finishing abscesses, boils, carbuncles, corns
(inflammatory) rheumatic conditions caused and styes. It hastens the suppuration or pus-
by acid diathesis. It is also a kidney tonic. formation process in boils and abscesses that
are painful, but do not discharge easily. It will
Nat Sulf extrude foreign bodies like thorns from under
This salt is associated with the liver and it the skin. In gout or rheumatic afflictions it will
cleanses the intercellular fluids of the body. push the tissues to throw out the accumulated
waste. It will act on post-surgical scars that
Nat Sulf is involved in carbohydrate metabolism are inflamed, painful and slow to heal. It will