Page 33 - NAMAH-Apr-2018
P. 33

Namah                                                Dissolving desire

        and effortless at the same time. If we stay clear  bare minimum, a round-the-clock awareness
        of mental interference, our consciousness  is required.
        can spontaneously respond to these negative
        inputs.                                  I believe that desire can be transformed. There
                                                 is a psychic counterpart to it and that lies in
        “The first condition for getting rid of desire  the deepest aspiration. Once we climb over
        is, therefore, to become conscious with the  that fence, our entire orientation changes, —
        true consciousness; for then it becomes much   “what you have to do is to shift the objective of
        easier to dismiss it than when one has to   desire; instead of turning it towards things that
        struggle with it as if it were a constituent part   are external, artificial, superficial and egotistical,
        of oneself to be thrown out from the being. It  you must join it as a force of realisation to the
        is easier to cast off an accretion than to excise   aspiration directed to the truth (3).”
        what is felt as a parcel of our substance.
                                                 Transforming desire
        “When the psychic being is in front, then
        also to get rid of desire becomes easy; for the  An ultimate remedy is to move from ‘awareness’
        psychic being has in itself no desires, it has  to ‘consciousness’ because then our attention
        only aspirations and a seeking and love for the  becomes truly effective. The key is inner
        Divine and all things that are or tend towards  connection. When one aligns to one’s true
        the Divine (2).”                         nature, the necessary shift occurs and the
                                                 answers come. These answers may be
        In the early stages of growth at the very least,  unspoken, and usually are, but they have a
        safeguards should definitely be made. Desire  remedial effect throughout all our being. Then
        is very contagious and it is better to avoid  the matrix becomes truly dynamic and desire,
        those places and people where this vibration  like everything else, will get transformed.
        swarms. It is not easy to elevate one’s
        consciousness when environmentally there  References
        is such a gravitational pull on it. In time,
        one begins to recognise and then filter this   1.   Sri Aurobindo. Birth Centenary Library, Volume
        unpleasant vibration but, at the beginning at   24. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust;
        least, it is difficult to separate ourselves from   1970, p. 1399.
        it.  The company we keep can have a massive
        impact on our lives. We need also to look at   2.   Ibid., p. 1398.
        our own company. Is there a tendency for our
        condition to plummet when one is alone and   3.  The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother, Volume 3.
        bored or listless? One needs to be extremely   2  ed. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
        aligned to be immune to such influences. As a   Trust; 2003, p. 194.

                  James Anderson is a member of SAIIIHR and coordinating editor of NAMAH.

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