Page 37 - NAMAH-Apr-2018
P. 37

Namah                                            Evolution Next — XV

        children though these things no doubt have  task to create the right atmosphere and the
        their value. It is also not about reading books  right environment for the blossoming of a
        on parenting or education, gathering tons  child. Apart from the subconscious influences
        of information, strategies and techniques.  that parents bring, there is unfortunately too
        These too have their place but this is not  much tendency in human beings to quarrel,
        the crucial thing. The real thing, as with  often over petty issues or even no issue.
        rearing a plant, is to provide the right kind  Anger and lust and greed are still the major
        of atmosphere needed for the child’s soul  food for large sections of humanity. Most of
        to blossom. This may seem to be the easiest  us lead our lives quite unconsciously and
        but in reality is perhaps the most difficult  our speech and actions are impelled by dark
        task. An atmosphere is not something we  forces that have a disastrous influence upon
        can do mentally or by any artificial means.  the child who is open to everything. Even
        It is the state of consciousness that we carry  those who are somewhat serious about the
        around us. It is what we as human beings  child’s development and growth easily err
        breathe psychologically, so to say. It is the  on two extremes. Either they become too
        subtle and occult influence human beings cast  lax and indulgent like the modern parent,
        upon everything around them. The seed of  thinking it to be a sign of superiority, often
        the Divine is already there in the child. The  catering to every small need for comfort;
        physical and psychological soil is already  or else, they become overly strict like our
        provided by the parents. What is needed  immediate generation that wants to control
        now for the children to blossom is the right  and restrict every movement and choice of
        atmosphere; say for example, an atmosphere  the child.
        of love and joy, a breath of harmony and
        peace upon their lives, a luminous strength  A balanced outlook towards life that neither
        that inspires and the freedom to learn and  fears contamination with everything, seeing
        grow in their own unique way. If we can  all contacts and activities with suspicion nor
        provide that much of the task is done.  gives in to each and every demand mistaking
        The seed is bound to blossom provided of  it for love, is a most difficult thing. At the same
        course the soil, that is parental and antenatal  time it is not easy, given the deep emotional
        influences, have not been a disaster. All things  attachment that every parent is programmed
        upon earth take shape in matter which is  to have towards the child. This attachment
        still so badly tied to heredity and influences  in itself is not so harmful; it is even needed
        in the womb that it has a strong influence  during the early phases of the child’s growth
        on the child. But of that we can speak later.  until he grows into an adult, but when it is
        When we provide the right atmosphere, the  mixed with ambition and possessiveness then
        divine quality embedded within the child  it is harmful. The child is not the property
        spontaneously begins to blossom. Nothing  of parents or teachers or even of a group,
        artificial is needed from outside.       the State or nation. On the contrary, he is
                                                 the hope for the future of humanity. And
        Creating the night atmosphere            the future will work itself through him if we
                                                 allow it to unfold in its own way. Children
        Though this seems so simple, it is not an easy  are instinctively turned towards the future

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