Page 32 - NAMAH-Apr-2018
P. 32
Namah Vol. 26, Issue 1, 24th April 2018
will resolve automatically even the basest refinement. It is the only true way because
vibrations. What is needed is a station high through it one aligns to the Truth, which
above the play to allow the consciousness that has its own unique way of resolving every
is present there to exert a continual pressure disturbance.
on the field below. It is from the heights that
one must act. The point is, it is not premeditated. One raises
one’s consciousness for the joy of progress
Dissolving one’s desires takes time. Sri and not to uproot desire. One doesn’t focus
Aurobindo stated frequently that no one gets on desire but if it steps forward one deals
rid of them easily (1). A resolute approach is consciously with it. The fact is, only the
required and no piecemeal procedure simply consciousness can annul desire and when
will suffice. We need to continually deepen consciousness truly aligns we experience
our relationship with the Supreme. We offer everything then through the portal of the
the results of our efforts and expectations to soul. It is an entirely natural state and
the Divine SSakti. Most important of all, we there is no room for ego. When one gets
offer desire itself at Her Feet. It is not a battle pulled downwards, one lives in a shadow
one can hope to win singlehanded; so a sincere where nothing is conceived in a true light.
surrender is always required. Something new One’s orientation entirely reverses and our
and vast has to take over. Desire is not what conception of reality totally changes. It is
we are. One needs to pitch one’s camp firmly like living in another world! Victory is never
in the Truth. In our true nature we are pure guaranteed but as long as we maintain this
and perfect. Getting there is the difficulty, but thread our destiny remains secure.
once one is in that state, there is simply no
effort. Effort suggests a struggle and struggles There may often be occasions when negative
only bring anguish. Truly, it needs only our vibrations try to take over but once one has a
presence. This presence gives it the necessary glimpse of the Truth, one should hold onto
protection; that is all that is required. In time, it for dear life. That is our safeguard. One
with practice, something masterful gradually will reach a stage where the downward tug
takes over. However our inner poise needs weakens and when that happens, one moves
to be maintained; otherwise the slack might into a realm of greater freedom.
bring us back to desire once more. The state
of our consciousness becomes the overriding Desire comes from outside where there will
concern: we must aspire for it to climb higher always be forces waiting for the faintest
and higher. We should connect more and resonance and opening in the being. We
more with our true centre. It is there that may experience ripples in our consciousness
the psychic flame rises, a flame which burns when such pressure is present. So a detached
away every negativity. The fire of aspiration poise is invaluable at all times. If something
can take the place of desire and become our negative tries to intrude, and if connected, we
fuel for living. If the aspiration is sufficiently look at the object as something completely
intense and intact, an unbroken thread will be foreign. If we catch the vibration entirely,
maintained. Here is a programme for human at that very moment, it is instantaneously
growth as the consciousness needs constant dissolved and transformed. We need to be alert