Page 40 - NAMAH-Apr-2018
P. 40

Namah                                    Vol. 26, Issue 1, 24th April 2018

        and the tendency to impulsive aggression  Quite the contrary. The Mother explained
        though no genetic pathway has been unravelled  that one commits suicide as one is a coward
        (serotonin-linked genes have been considered as  (3). In fact the cowardice reaches a point
        candidates but nothing specific has emerged).   where the will-power is completely broken,
        Ernest Hemingway’s family alone accounted  facilitating an overwhelming collapse by negative
        for five suicides in four generations! Obviously  occult forces swarming in the cosmos and
        there is a psychopathology involved and its  which drives the subject to the dastardly act.
        effects can be carried over several generations.  The occult connection does not end with
        It is not surprising to discover suicide and  the completion of the act; it continues to
        suicidal attempts down the line across several  exert its influence as after-effects, affecting
        generations, especially among first-degree  unsuspecting subjects.The negative occult
        relatives, but there are also other forms of  vibrations that get a passage through this
        psychopathology that can be triggered off.  act now find a playing field in the arena
                                                 where the act was committed. If it had been
        b. Though all suicides are not due to psychiatric  committed in a house or a hostel, the overall
        causes (there are significant social causes as  harmony gets breached while vulnerable
        well) there is a psychological insecurity,  subjects, family members or boarders,
        irrespective of any cause that can affect  inhabitants of such space, often get caught
        members of the family, and such an event can  up in the occult contagion to unnecessarily
        haunt a subject throughout his or her lifetime  suffer from misery and misfortune which are
        and may even resurge as post-traumatic  usually and unknowingly attributed to ‘ill-
        stress much later in life.               luck’. If the dastardly act had been committed
                                                 in public places, gardens,on roads or railway-
        c. It is not only the family of the suicide  tracks or in water-bodies, then also at times
        victim that is affected, neighbours and close  there can exist negative formations in such
        friends are also affected and some of them  spaces affecting vulnerable subjects.
        can really become depressed. Once when in
        an overcrowded Outpatient’s clinic, where  Sin and suicide
        I had less time for clients and hence had to
        act intuitively, I asked a depressed youngster  The religious and moral injunctions against
        if there was a suicide close to his home;  suicide as a grave misdeed, albeit a sin, seem
        he instantly replied that a neighbour had  justified. If it is at all a sin, it is a sin of epic
        committed suicide just outside his window a  proportions with social and cosmic dimensions.
        few weeks back triggering off his depression.  In the classical Indian tradition, suicide
        I realised that it was not enough to note down  generates negative karmic ramifications that
        the history of suicides in the family but also  persist in a vital plane of consciousness to
        in one’s social circle.                  work out effects in future lives, thus offering
                                                 no escape to the individual self. The Old
        d. Finally, the more important significance of  Testament was somewhat casual about suicide
        suicide that surpasses the clinician’s arena is  and did not convey any condemnation. In
        the occult perspective of the act. It is a misnomer  fact, Christian churches started strongly
        to think that the act of suicide needs courage.  condemning suicide since Augustine, as part

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