Page 37 - NAMAH-Jul-2018
P. 37

Namah                                             Notes on counselling

        arises if we acknowledge that the outer  What is left is this, ‘I Am’. This act of contact
        being is not the sole Reality but there are  and acceptance with ‘I am’, once gotten hold
        deeper levels of the being behind the surface  of, gave me (for the first time) the experience,
        personality with shifting nuances of the ‘I’.  ‘Since I am, I have the right to be.’

        One may argue that this may be interesting   “What is this experience like? It is a primary
        for mystics and metaphysicians but would be   feeling…It is the experience of my own
        hardly of any relevance to psychology. But   aliveness not caring whether it turns out to
        psychology itself cannot remain tied down  be an ion or just a wave. It is like when a
        to the surface being but must proceed to the   very young child I once reached the core of a
        depths of existence if it has to serve a greater   peach and cracked the pit, not knowing what
        Reality. Besides, the counsellor may be faced  I would find and then feeling the wonder of
        with awkward situations where superficial   finding the inner seed, good to eat in its bitter
        explanations do not  explain the relevance  sweetness….It is like a sailboat in the harbor
        of the ‘I’.                              being given an anchor so that, being made
                                                 out of earthly things, it can by means of its
        The ‘I-Am’ dream-experience              anchor get in touch again with the earth, the
                                                 ground from which its wood grew; it can lift
        Rollo May narrates a fascinating ’I-am’dream-  its anchor to sail but always at times it can
        experience of a 28-year-old  lady who pres-  cast its anchor to weather the storm or rest
        ented with severe anxiety spells in closed  a little… It is my saying to Descartes, ‘I Am,
        spaces, severe self-doubts and eruptions of   therefore I think, I feel, I do.’
        uncontrollable anger. That she was born an
        illegitimate child was always a reason for   “It is like an axiom in geometry — never
        curses by her mother and relatives. In the  experiencing it would be like going through a
        fourth month of therapy, she had an unusual   geometry course not knowing the first axiom.
        dream-experience which she noted down    It is like going into my very own Garden of
        with remarkable clarity, parts of which are   Eden where I am beyond good and evil and
        excerpted here:                          all other human concepts. It is like the poets
                                                 of the intuitive world, the mystics, except
        “I remember walking that day under the  that instead of the pure feeling of and union
        elevated tracks in a slum area, feeling the   with God it is the finding of and union with
        thought, ‘I am an illegitimate child.’ I recall  my own being….It is a ‘Matter of Fact’ in the
        the sweat poring forth in my anguish… Then  etymological sense of the expression…. it is
        I understood what it must feel like to accept, ‘I   ceasing to feel like a theory towards one’s
        am a Negro in the midst of privileged whites’,  self (2).”
        or ‘I am blind in the midst of people who see’.
        Later on I woke up and it came to me this  (It is very interesting that spontaneously this
        way, ‘I accept the fact that I am an illegitimate  subject refuted Descartes by identifying her
        child. But ‘I am not a child anymore’. So it  ‘I-Am’ experience with an axiom in geometry,
        is, ‘I am illegitimate’. That is not so either.  for Descartes himself was the inventor of co-
        ‘I was born illegitimate’. Then what is left?  ordinate geometry that is still used!)

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