Page 39 - NAMAH-Jul-2018
P. 39
Namah Notes on counselling
rather my capacity to see myself as a being in To the thinker, the mental ego is prominent.
the world,to know myself as the being who can In the case of the dynamic individual, the vital
do these things. It is in this sense a precondition ego dominates. The classical body-builder
for what is called ‘ego-development’. The ego is basks in the glory of the physical ego. As
the subject in the subject-object relationship; the a result of its skewedness, the ego cannot
sense of being occurs prior to this dichotomy’ harmonise the surface being which is thus
(5). Thus the sense of being does not mean that always in a state of chaos.
‘I am the subject’ but “I am the being who can,
among other things, know himself as the subject Behind the surface being is the inner or sub-
of what is occurring(6).” liminal being in the inner psychological space,
which connected to the cosmic consciousness,
Existentialists speculated what could happen rises up to the Superconscious and sinks below
if the ego is considered to be more important through the Subconscious to the terrestrial
than the ‘sense of being’. If the ego is considered Inconscience. It is not under the ambit of
to be the basic norm, the human being will the ego but is supported by adeeper inmost
always be a passive recipient of overwhelming being. When existentialists talk about the
forces, “whether the forces be identified as the ‘sense of being’ that antedates the ego, they
Id or the vast industrial juggernaut in Marxian usually refer to an experiential construct in
terms or the submersion of the individual as this inner being. However as the inner being
‘one among many’ in the sea of conformity, is in contact with the cosmic consciousness,
in Heidegger’s terms (7).” The sense of being the ‘sense of being’ described in existentialism
in ontological terms must be the basic norm expands to become a universal being . Of
rather than the ego. course, for the ordinary individual who does
not want to explore his self, the resources
Existentialism to Consciousness-based of the inner being may remain untapped. A
Psychology shift from the individual ‘I’ to the universal
‘I’ is thus a matter of choice. People who do
In terms of consciousness based on an inner work on themselves, yogis and mystics
Aurobindonian perspective, the ‘sense of who have an outreach to the Infinite by
being’ changes its denouement with shifting transcending the ego, as well as poets, artists
nuances as one traverses the depths of the and musicians who align with universal
being. rhythms, are more easily connected with the
cosmic consciousness where the individual
The outer being or surface personality revolves ‘I’ becomes the universal ‘I’.
around the ego in the psycho-social space. The
ego has not dropped like a meteorite from the At a certain point of inner growth, the universal
sky but emerges as constituted by the parts ‘I’ has to be transcended. The universal ‘I’
of consciousness in the surface being. It is arises in the cosmic matrix but the cosmic
thus constituted from the mental, vital (the consciousness holds not only great positive
repertoire of life-energy) and the physical forces, it also holds mighty negative forces.
planes. The problem is that it is skewed and The cosmic Inconscience is the repository of
biased towards any of the three components. all cosmic schemata that have undergone