Page 42 - NAMAH-Jul-2018
P. 42
Luminous pearls on a cosmic string
Mira Prabhu
An Enlightened Being can take any form, and wait for just the right moment, to deliver a
transformative message — since such a one is unconstrained by human limitations and the element of
time does not exist in the Absolute realm. Yogis use the metaphor of luminous pearls on a very long
string to depict our successive incarnations. Earth is a school — and we need wisdom, effort and grace
to figure out our unique lessons. And yet, if we forget that our true nature is immortal Spirit, we
cannot learn these subtle lessons — and so we reincarnate over and over again ad nauseam, until we
realise we are far more than our egoic system and firmly decide to graduate from samsara.
Post-divorce, battered by the inconstancies wait patiently until just the right moment to
of life and hurting in a thousand places, I deliver this critical message, whether that
had the great good fortune to study for years span of time is a few days or fifty years,
with a powerful guru; he gave me jewels of because, to an enlightened being — one who
wisdom that I still use on a daily basis — just has permanently transcended duality and
to make sure that my remaining bundle of is no longer constrained by the numerous
desires and fears don’t coax me to stray off limitations of being human — time simply
the narrow and often thorny road that leads has no meaning.
to the permanent end of suffering.
Yogis use the metaphor of luminous pearls on
Here’s a gem he dropped casually on us – that a very long string to describe our successive
an Enlightened Being can take any form just lifetimes or incarnations. Earth to humans
to deliver a potent message that can help us is merely a school where we come to learn
transform our life from darkness to light. This certain lessons. Who knows for sure what our
perfect being, who has no agenda except to unique lessons are? We need the beginnings
steer us into the radiance of our true nature, of wisdom, sincere effort and lashings of grace
could be our biological mother, best friend, to figure them out. Each of us comes to this
nasty boss, acrimonious ex-lover, fierce enemy realm in order to learn different lessons, for
or conniving maid servant. He or she could we are all at different levels of consciousness.