Page 47 - NAMAH-Jul-2018
P. 47
Namah The Yoga of Love
Love is a whole new level of consciousness and We offer anything that panders the ego. The
we must understand that to attain this love Mother says:
ultimately our being needs to be divinised too.
A disinterested and long-term perspective really “So long as the ego is there, one cannot love.
helps; we are not looking for immediate return. “Love alone can love, Love alone can conquer
We only aspire to fulfil our divine potential: it the ego (1).”
is a calling. That is our final destination, maybe
many lifetimes ahead, but there is no other way. Initially this may seem a tall order for us, but
I believe that once our soul has set its course, it is always good to aspire for the heights.
eventually the aim will be realised. This not This atmosphere is an armour that protects
only instils well-being for this life but for future and insulates us from negativity. Whenever I
incarnations too. am facing an intimidating situation, I call for
a bubble of Love to descend around me and
We can work through affirmation. With every menace simply disappears. I find the
affirmation, we are stating a truth which may protection needs to be erected selflessly and
be unrealised but which is present in seed without hankering for results for its influence to
form. By repeating in front of the mirror, “I be invincible and complete. If the connection
manifest unconditional love” we are stating a is lost, the bubble can easily get punctured
truth that resonates with the Truth deep inside. from outside: it is an exercise in true living.
It vibrates with our innate divinity although the
immediate reality may be very different. We What we give and receive in love is very much
are not speaking from the perspective of linear a reflection of our consciousness. The level of
time but from what exists in a vaster, multi- our love is also a measure of our purity. With
dimensional context. Present, past and future Love there can be no half-measures. Either we
merge and become one. The words help to join the pack or give ourselves entirely to it. “To
bring the Truth forward and precipitate radical become conscious of the Divine Love, all other
change inside. With continual repetition, the love must be abandoned (2).” What a startling
words soak into our subconscious and purify statement! Once we realise this, we begin to
our nature. They encourage the seed to grow. understand the true meaning of Love. Really
though, Love cannot be expressed in words:
We need to develop an atmosphere of Love. our consciousness must become vast to open
We do this because we are also manifesting to the experience. It is the only way.
our Truth when we mirror this Love. We need
to carry this truth around with us at all times. References
The vibration is highly contagious. In essence
we are Love and Love is at the source of all 1. The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother, Volume
existence. We build this atmosphere not for 14. 2 ed. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
appreciation but because we are expressing our Trust: 2004, p. 121.
deepest truth. We need to watch ourselves
very closely for the least signs of insincerity. 2. Ibid., p. 119.
James Anderson is a member of SAIIIHR and coordinating editor of NAMAH.