Page 44 - NAMAH-Jul-2018
P. 44
Namah Vol. 26, Issue 2, 15th July 2018
this ephemeral baggage that we use to define the mystical eye, we can easily get discouraged,
ourselves as ‘special’ in the mundane world. turn tail, and flee back to the tinsel comforts
of samsara. But, in order to cultivate a sound
To the jnani, or an advanced seeker, an view, one has to study, contemplate and
average human lifetime, which can seem digest the gifts of authentic teachers; yes,
so long and convincingly real, is no more the time will surely come when we will also
than a flash in the cosmic pan. The mystic have to drop all these concepts/ideas so
has fused back into Oneness, and knows meticulously garnered — but then again,
the Self to be blissful and immortal — and which intelligent seeker hangs on to a boat
to a seeker who accepts this mystical truth, after she has crossed a particular river?
nothing that affects mind and body really
matters when viewed via the Third Eye. In Think about it — we learn an alphabet so
fact, all the experiences and events of our we can read, but once we have mastered
life, however pleasant or brutal, are designed the alphabet, we don’t have to keep ABC
solely to wake us up to our true nature. There in mind every time we pick up a book, do
is no Creator God enthroned in a vast blue sky we? Same goes for the inner path — we do
arbitrarily hurling thunderbolts of suffering need to know the nature of our ultimate goal,
down at us. We are God, in the sense that we and so we definitely need to investigate the
can create our own suffering or our peace nature of both relative and Absolute reality
by the manner in which we choose to think, — but, the good news is, at some point along
speak and act (the simple definition of karma). the path, these ancient diamonds gradually
become an inner living truth, and we can then
An authentic ‘view’ means everything to an confidently dismiss them from the forefront
earnest seeker; if we do not learn to ‘see’ with of our minds.
Mira Prabhu is a writer and novelist based in Tirruvannamalai, India. She blogs at