Page 45 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
P. 45
Namah Managing imbalance to prevent and cure disease...
between the heart and navel and kapha with soaring into the heights of the mental world
the region above the heart and navel. Vaata, and beyond. How was this upside-down
pitta and kapha dominate in the last, middle posture achieved by humans in the process of
and first phases of one’s lifespan, day and evolution of life? What are its consequences
night as well as the process of digestion. and most importantly, what is its purpose?
This means that the fault-lines are ambient. The doshas pervade the entire body. Yet vaata is
Every part of the body is susceptible to specifically associated with the region below
breakdown even as every part of the body has the heart and navel, pitta with the region
the capability to express life. Life and death between the heart and navel and kapha with
go together. Construction and destruction the region above the heart and navel. When
go together. The dossas destroy and create plant life turned 90 degrees upside, animals
simultaneously. The body is constantly emerged. When animal life turned 90 degrees
renewed until it breaks down eventually. upside, humans emerged.
In spite of the all-pervasive nature of the dossas, The arrangement of the doshas in the human
they are also localised in specific regions of body makes it appear like a cooking-pot of
the body at the same time. Strangely, the sorts. Vaata in the lower part of the body can be
heaviest of the dossas, kapha is localised in the compared to the bellows that fan the flames of
head, followed by pitta in the central part and the digestive fire. In the centre of the body is
vaata, the lightest of the three dossas is located in the internal fire that transforms the ingested
the lower part of the body. This phenomenon food into the substance of our bodies.
is counter-intuitive. How can kapha remain in
the top and vāta at the bottom of the body? Optimal activity of vāta in the lower limbs is
How is this possible and what is the purpose essential for strengthening the digestive fire.
of this arrangement? The more we move our lower limbs, the more
the fat in the body is burnt and the stronger
The human body represents the pinnacle the digestion becomes. Walking briskly while
of evolution. Plant life is fixed on the earth swinging the arms is therefore, one of the best
and under the grip of gravity. In human life, exercises that activates vaata, stimulates pitta
there is a 180 degree transformation. The and reduces kapha.
human being is like a tree turned upside-
down — ūrdhvamūlamadhahhśākham rhshayahh Kapha or the watery element in the upper part
purushamhviduhh. From plant life to human life of the body works like a coolant and keeps the
is a movement that turns life upside-down. heat of the body in control. If kapha increases
Kapha, representing earth and water, is now in the lower limbs, it is pathological. The feet
located in the top of the human body. And become swollen. Swelling caused by kapha in
vaata representing the atmosphere or air and the feet can even be the sign of a fatal disease.
space is in the lower part of the body.When If kapha increases in the abdomen, then it is
the human being stands with his or her head a sign of obesity. Central obesity can invite
held high, he or she trumpets the victory over life-threatening diseases. The major natural
the lower forces of gravity and the promise of seats of kapha are all located in the upper part