Page 26 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 26
Namah Vol. 26, Issue 4, 15th January 2019
the process begins when we become aware negotiate every contour of life with serenity
of our inner movements. We try to observe and ease. When common ground is found
them disinterestedly and draw back. Next we between soul and nature, true equality is
draw back from the instruments themselves attained.
and then disentangle ourselves from the play
of nature outside. Gradually our inner being Healing and transformation
starts to awaken and we become conscious of
a silent Spectator dispassionately watching So works are more than a matter of doing one’s
over every movement inside. We then align duties and chores. In a very real way, work
to this silent Spectator. When we have learnt can become an avenue to transformation. To
to detach ourselves from movements inside transform though, one needs to be healed
it is much easier to distance ourselves from first. The implications of this yoga surpass
situations that arise from outside. We learn even healing and they embrace all living if
to step back from the dramas of life! life is looked upon as a consecration to the
Divine. The more we give, the more we heal.
Colossal effort is required but always there is If we see the process to the very end we will
a Force that acts. Really, it is not something be transformed. Not many souls are ready
that we can do singlehandedly and there is for this. The healing starts always inside and
no better forum for this than works. There works outwards. The Yoga of Works, when
is always a Presence pressing to unify our practised in a true way, can transform and
nature but we must constantly invoke it. As heal just as much as knowledge and love.
we invoke, the light of the soul steps forward Very often there is a need to rest if one wants
to reconcile the divisions of our nature and to heal but Karmayoga demonstrates in a vivid
the opposites of our duality. As the nature way that one can also be healed in the very
edges towards oneness, our will becomes thick of action. This is not symptomatic cure —
more unified too. Every progress through it goes right down to the source of everyday
works is interrelated. Our individuality living. It is a panacea for the malady of life.
becomes more defined and conscious. We There is a time for rest and a time for action.
expand into a vaster air. But even this prize Both can give an equally curative experience.
of our individuality too must be offered as not
a single remnant of separation can ultimately I believe that the steps identified by Sri
remain. Aurobindo are all interconnected. There is
indeed a sense of sequence but each depends
Equality has a deep affinity to works. Without and becomes whole in conjunction with the
works there would be insufficient stimulae others. It is not a chronological straight-line
for equality to emerge. Works are what make progression. We move forward bit by bit but
equality the pinnacle of Integral Health: an each piece somehow makes the structure of
equality that reigns over every plane of the the whole more solid and secure. One is
being. Through works our equality becomes expanding spherically in work but the growth
more active and positive. It becomes dynamic comes only by virtue of giving one’s identity
enough to absorb and shed light on every to the Supreme. It is the sense of separateness
interchange. This dynamism allows us to which has to go. Only then can our will be