Page 38 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 38

Namah                                  Vol. 26, Issue 4, 15th January 2019

        has an evolutionary role and place in this  that looks after the development of our body,
        totality. Nothing is discarded. For instance,  emotions, intellect and soul; not just any one
        from the view of harmony, pain and suffering  aspect. These will surely help in bringing
        are not seen as bad, but as tools of Nature at  harmony.
        perfecting the human instrument.
                                                 But mind, in its ordinary existence, cannot
        Secondly, harmony has a centre that gives  truly contain the complexity of true harmony
        equilibrium and balance. Harmony comes  that carries the largest possibility with the
        through equilibrium between different parts,  smallest little detail. Imposition of the
        a balance that gives the perfect hierarchy.   In  mental will more often than not produces
        an individual, at the centre is the psychic. The  standardisation and fixity, which is contrary
        psychicbeing is the evolving soul in nature.  to the Forces of Nature. Nature finds joy in
        It is this part which forms a conscious and  diversity, variety and idiosyncrasies.
        living relationship with the Divine and has
        the potential of harmonising different parts  Further, these characteristics can help us
        of the being.                            understand the movement of harmony
                                                 metaphysically, but one may ask, is there a part
        Thirdly, harmony consists of multiplicity. It  in our psyche that can carry the entire spectrum
        involves not eliminating anything but putting  from infinity to minute detail seamlessly,
        each thing in its place in total harmony with  embodied moment to moment into one’s
        the rest.                                actions? According to Sri Aurobindo, there
                                                 is. The next sections talk about this.
        Fourthly, harmony is the dynamic form of
        Bliss or Enanda.                         The Force of harmony

        This simple childlike scheme of harmony  Sri Aurobindo talks about harmony as one of
        involving totality, centre, multiplicity and  the four fundamental Powers of the Divine:
        joy is dynamic and progressive.          Wisdom, Power, Harmony and Perfection in
                                                 Work. He describes the Conscious Force of
        Mental harmony                           Harmony as Mahalakshmi. The following are
                                                 a few of his descriptions of Mahalakshmi (12):
        Using the above characteristics of harmony,
        we can make mental models that respect  “Above them [Wisdom and Force] is the
        principles such as multiplicity and diversity  miracle of eternal beauty, an unseizable secret
        over a mechanical uniformity and implement it  of divine harmonies, the compelling magic of
        in our lives. For instance, we can consciously be  an irresistible universal charm and attraction
        more inclusive of diversity in our communities  that draws and holds things and forces and
        and work or make a routine for ourselves  beings together and obliges them to meet

        1 The perfect hierarchy is a spiritual hierarchy, wherein parts fall around a centre, without a sense
        of superiority and inferiority, but rather according to their svabhaava (true nature) and svadharma
        (individualised purpose).

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