Page 40 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
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Namah                                  Vol. 26, Issue 4, 15th January 2019

          is to refuse pleasure and pursue Delight;   and is focused on individual determinations,
        • Bringing harmony and balance in the  towards the true person, who naturally points
          movements and activities of the body (for,  in the direction of the soul and thus, acts in
          it naturally likes equilibrium).       harmony with it.

        Good health, wisdom, good will, thoughtful  Conclusion
        actions are all signs of harmony and can be
        practised when the disorder/suffering of life  The social, ecological, and psychological crisis
        is overarching.                          of the modern day reflect a lack of harmony
                                                 on the inside. There is chaos in the world
        Harmony within and with others           because there is chaos inside. The more one
                                                 awakens, the more the lines between ‘the
        In particular, to harmonise different parts  problem is in the society’ and ‘the problem
        of oneself, She advises to study, reflect,  is in the self’ distinction fade away. What one
        intellectually exercise, and change oneself.  sees is that the two are one and both express
        And, to harmonise relationships with others,  a consciousness ignorant, sleeping, dwindling
        bringing balance between receptivity and  between rajas and tamas. The only way out
        expenditure and attuning the minds  is to bring unity and harmony in oneself,
        are central. In dealing with particularly  which with the practice of work and action,
        difficult people, doing what one ought to  naturally extends into joyful harmony in all
        do with simplicity and sincerity, while being  aspects of life.
        equanimous and calm always  helps.
        Disharmony to harmony
                                                 1. Alvaredo F, Chancel L, Piketty T, Saez E,
        The lack of harmony comes out of inertia   Zucman G. World inequality report 2018. World
        or resistance to the Truth. Even when life’s   Inequality Lab; 2018.
        circumstances are tough, one can always find
        harmony. On the other hand, we can invite   2. Living Planet Report — 2018: Aiming Higher.
        disharmony in our lives even through our   Switzerland: WWF.
        good intentions. For instance, a humanitarian
        often attracts suffering upon himself. It can   3. Pimlott N. The Ministry of Loneliness [Online]
        often cause illness.                       PubMed Central (PMC) Available from: https://
        To avoid the catastrophes of disharmonies   PMC5851382/ [Accessed 8  November 2018].
        and to increase harmony, the Force of Harmony
        must be invoked and space must be created for   4. Blue Cross Blue Shield. The Health of America
        its intervention. Silencing the mind and calming   [Online] Available from:
        the heart creates space for the Harmonious   the-health-of-america [Accessed 8  November
        Force to live and express. Creation of this space   2018].
        involves movement from the ego, which likes
        reacting to everything in the environment   5.  Fox M. Major depression on the rise among everyone.

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