Page 39 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 39
Namah The power of harmony in times of crisis
and unite that a hidden Ananda may play and a fairer world. In both cases, inner
from behind the veil and make of them its transformation is fundamental to realising
rhythms and its figures. This is the power of harmony.
Mahalakshmi and there is no aspect of the
Divine Shakti more attractive to the heart of For inner transformation, observing oneself
embodied beings.... and being aware, particularly of the parts
where harmony does not exist, i.e. the parts
“Harmony and beauty of the mind and soul, which are in contradiction with the inner
harmony and beauty of the thoughts and aspiration is the first step (13). Once one has
feelings, harmony and beauty in every outward awareness, the following powers of the spirit
act and movement, harmony and beauty of the help in receiving the Force of Harmony:
life and surroundings, this is the demand of
Mahalakshmi .... Where love and beauty are not • Faith in the power of the Divine to transform
or are reluctant to be born, she does not come.... and harmonise,
For it is through love and beauty that she lays • Sincerity of the intent,
on men the yoke of the Divine.... • Perseverance, even amidst the resistances
and inertia that cause disharmony,
Admitted to the heart she lifts wisdom to • Openness to the rhythm of life,
pinnacles of wonder and reveals to it the • Finding the delight and a liberated self
mystic secrets of the ecstasy that surpasses all within oneself,
knowledge, meets devotion with the passionate • A constant inner purification,
attraction of the Divine, teaches to strength • Aspiration for perfection,
and force the rhythm that keeps the might of • Surrender to the Divine.
their acts harmonious and in measure and casts
on perfection the charm that makes it endure These are only a few inner qualities and
forever.” movements that help in opening up to receive
the Force of Harmony. Besides, the following
Now the question arises how does one prepare are a few tools proposed by the Mother for
oneself to receive the force of harmony that bringing harmony into our instruments of
brings everything together in a beautiful the mind, body and vital.
rhythm, with a joy of progress? The following
is a summary of literature reviewed from the • Educating the mind by positive thinking,
Collected Works of the Mother on harmony. which would involve creating noble
thoughts and imaginations;
Realising Harmony • Educating the vital forces to harmonise the
psychological health. For instance, using
The manifestation of harmony among a few art, such as poetry, to express particularly
people could carve a way towards a shift in when one feels low, in order to uplift
collective consciousness. On the other hand, energies. Poetry need not only be about
people who are interested in concretely skill and talent. It can be a powerful tool
realising Divine Consciousness must work for transformation of nature. Another
for goals such as creating a world union example for bringing harmony in the vital