Page 32 - NAMAH-Apr-2019
P. 32
Namah Vol. 27, Issue 1, 24th April 2019
he can discover his true Self. It is there that limiting Itself, becomes all things. The ego-
he can also discover the alchemist Energy, sense that this is ‘me’, the identification with
the Original Power within him that has gone a surname or a nationality, religion or an
into the brilliant array of stars as well as in ideology, custom or tradition are means for
the minutest particle of dust that has built the play of this One Consciousness to draw
the countless systems of worlds. This Self, a magic circle of limitation and create this
this Knowledge, this Power is at its bottom varied and variegated world. Of course there
subjective though yet it is the source of all is a purpose in this mighty play and when
that we ‘objectively’ perceive. The objects that we identify with the One Consciousness and
hang in Space and the senses that perceive know ourselves as That which is beyond all
them are projections of this Formless Reality names and forms, we do not kick the bucket
that extends Itself in Time and Space as and quit the play, though potentially we
forms and patterns that build this many- can do that. Rather we can now consciously
hued, many-toned universe. It exists as a participate in the play, know the Wisdom
self-aware Existence, a Consciousness that that operates behind differentiations and our
knows Itself. It is by an objectivisation of role in it.
Itself that creation begins to emerge out of
this luminous Subjective state. Being self- That is a huge difference, to play the game
aware we can also call it ‘Being’, what is of life unconsciously, driven by forces often
generally and often crudely termed as God beyond our control that we term as Fate
or a Divine Being out of whom creation flows or else to play it consciously, master of our
as water and wind upon some mysterious Destiny, accepting some while editing other
ether which is nothing else but this Being’s scenes of the cosmic epic since they have
infinite Existence extending in Space. The been distorted by the characters playing
progressive unfolding brings into play what we out their roles. In other words we have a
experience as Time. If we probe any objective work to do and a role to fulfil. But to know it
reality deep enough we shall discover at first definitively and fulfil that role perfectly we
a dance of energy supporting it and if we go need to become conscious of the entire script
still deeper, a bedrock of consciousness. That of creation and our unique place in it. This is
is why if we truly wish to understand any possible if we touch that Divine core within us
phenomenon, be it a material object or human or get to the very Source of all things. This is
behaviour, we need to enter this bedrock, this one of the first psychological gains that comes
matrix out of which it is emerging and by through yoga, an immense gain, a freedom
which it is being supported. Though One, this and joy and peace as we navigate through
dance of energy has many rhythms of which the various acts and scenes of life.
our material universe is just one of them.
Similarly though, there are many different Opening the doors
states of consciousness ranging from peace
and bliss experienced during trance to a total The doors to this ultimate Consciousness,
self-oblivion of material nature and all else ultimate Truth, the Reality, call it whatever
in between. There is behind all these varied we like, open by entering into this mysterious
states, the One Infinite Consciousness that subjective space where we become aware of