Page 29 - NAMAH-Apr-2019
P. 29
Namah A consciousness approach to manage lifestyle disorders
that your body will cooperate with you, you will develop a beautiful relationship
provided you treat her with love and respect. with her. You will always be aware of your
body’s needs. You will never do anything that
Specialised exercises to enhance the flow of praanna will cause any harm to her. If you love your
in the body body, you will never smoke tobacco, drink
We have developed a series of movements alcohol, consume recreational drugs, submit
which facilitate the flow of praanna in all the your body to any environmental pollution,
important naaddns (energy meridians). Do these eat junk food or willingly submit your body
movements slowly with complete awareness to any harmful influence. You will take care
of the body and flow of praanna in the body. of her, give her the best environment and if
These praanic movements ensure that the body something goes wrong, you will try to listen
has enough vitality and well-being. Lack of to her and take care of her.
exercise creates energy-blocks in the naaddns.
Once all the energy meridians are working Treat your body like a small child, and
optimally, the body heals much faster. shower lots of love on her and especially on
the part which needs to be healed. Love has
Step 4 — Love your body the power to activate the miracle of healing.
Love is the least understood term, and Step 5 – Meditate and bring consciousness
perhaps the most abused word. However into the body
love even in its shadows has the potential to
transform and create miracles in the body. Meditation is a tool to access the deeper and higher
When I say, “love the body”, most people do layers of consciousness within
not actually understand it in the right way. Meditation is a fashionable word nowadays,
They say, “Yes, we love our body”. But what and a highly misunderstood term. With most
I mean is totally different. What I mean is to people, meditation is merely a struggle with
transmit the powerful vibrations of love to a their own mind and thoughts. Meditation is
particular part of the body, so that the cells merely a tool to access the deeper and higher
of the body respond and the change happens layers of our consciousness. Meditation is
at a biochemical level too. not an end in itself. There is a wide range of
consciousness that people can access during
People ask, “How do I love the body?” I don’t meditation.
believe that there should be a fixed technique
to love. Love is not a technique to be followed. Impact of meditation
We must develop love to its purest and most One way to gauge the impact of meditation
intense form that it finds its own expression is to assess the effect of the practice on your
of manifestation. The body must feel alive consciousness. Does meditation bring about
with the vibration of love, the body must a deep lasting sense of peace within, does
be immersed in Love. Once that happens, it bring a vast experience of silence, and
miracles do occur. does it bring a feeling of oneness with all
around? At deeper levels of consciousness,
Love is the key. Once you love your body, one perceives a feeling of causeless joy and