Page 14 - NAMAH-Jul-2019
P. 14
Namah Vol. 27, Issue 2, 15th July 2019
know how our physical heart functions but such as the weather, the sensory experiences of
are unaware of ways and means to master everyday life, the sensations of heat and cold,
our emotions, the psychological heart within our physical body, physical circumstances
us. Thus limited within, we are unable to and surroundings, those connected to us by
either enjoy or live life to its fullness. Yoga physical birth, etc. There is however another
science reveals to us this inner technology, thought that is centered around desires, the
the complex play of subtle and occult energies things and objects and people who give us
and forces that weave the inner texture of pleasure, food and sex and the rest that is
our lives. often used by human beings as means to
satisfy our dwarf desires. But desires may be
Seen thus, we can safely say that yoga does not even larger, such as expansion of an empire
contradict modern or material science, it only or business, amassing wealth, ambition to
compliments it. The two fields are different. succeed and increase our sphere of influence.
Even as man is not matter alone, science is also
not limited to material science and a study A third kind of thought deals with imagination
of material physical processes. If anything, and fantasy. Often we find it mixed with our
it makes our knowledge of ourselves and emotional being. This kind of thought provides
the world around us more complete. There suitable attire to a variety of feelings and
is in fact no antagonism between the two as sentiments. It is the thought that certain artists
is often proposed by strong adherents of a experience. There is in this thought a cry and
strictly material formulation of life. anguish for happier things, a longing for love
and togetherness, a pain for what the world
Fortunately such dogmatic scientists are decreasing should be but is not yet. It therefore easily
in number. More and more scientists are turning lends itself to imagination as its only door
to enter and engage with the inner fields of of escape.
nature that we have ignored so far.
A fourth layer of thought is what we normally
Our psychological apparatus regard as thought proper. It uses analysis and
reason and sees and understands everything
With this background we can now enter the by breaking it down into convenient pieces
actual processes of yoga and see their inner and then trying to build a composite system
logic. Basically our human psychological of theory for our daily understanding of life.
apparatus moves by certain forces that It modifies the sense experience, suppresses
form the complex psychological matrix of the noises of desires and the cry of emotions
our being. These forces are termed as will, and removing these things which it regards as
emotions, thoughts, impulses, passion, desires, interference, tries to understand life and the
etc. Here again we discover that under each self and the world. This is the peak of average
category there are many varieties. Let us take humanity as of today. This is the highest
thought, for instance. possibility of thought that most human beings
experience and because of that certify it as the
Thought, for example climbs from one solely limit of human thinking and understanding.
concerned with the physical world around us But thought does not stop here.