Page 17 - NAMAH-Jul-2019
P. 17
Namah Yogic insights into human psychology
dwells upon this Idea or Image or Word, or even anxiety through a modulation of
investing more and more of one’s energies frequencies of the sounds they emit. These
into it. Instead of letting our energies diffuse sounds become signals that spread far and
in the usual goals and directions, it is turned wide creating a corresponding atmosphere
inwards and potentiated and intensified by around the animals. With human beings
concentration. It is like feeding the fire. there is the additional power of speech that
can further potentiate the state, express new
The logic of it is very simple. Whatever we and higher states not accessible to the animal
concentrate upon tends to increase, be it a state world and thereby create a subtle atmosphere
of suffering, a difficulty or even something around us.
such as material success. By concentrating our
energies we augment it. Thus, for thought, The collective atmosphere around us
one concentrates on the Highest Idea one can
envisage and holds it as long and as often as In fact we live surrounded by the atmosphere
one can. If this Idea is embodied in a string created by our thoughts. We breathe our desires
of words born out of the force of the inner and that of others, our aspirations and those
realisation of a yogin, then it carries its own of others, creating an invisible interchange
mystic power. This is the mantra used by many as that exists as a matrix in the thought-world
a most powerful aid to pierce the magic circle and which influences us. That is why it is
of nature and open the passage to the Beyond. so important to take care of the company
one keeps. That is also the reason why
The mantra yoga practitioners often gravitate towards
places where yoga is a way of life, a commune
The mantra is not just any set of words to keep of sadhakas and aspirants since the matrix
the mind occupied but a string of words or supports their aspiration.
even a single word that is charged by and
expressive of the state of consciousness that While it is true that yoga can be done anywhere
one wants to acquire. There is profound subtle and everywhere, it is equally true that the
truth in sounds and words that are seen by process can be greatly facilitated (or hindered)
a mystic not just as symbols of intellectual by the collectivity in which one lives. Even if
meanings (which of course they may be in they cannot live permanently there they need
most cases) but rather expressive of deeper to withdraw to this place and the atmosphere
soul-states. Words and thoughts are not supporting their new-born aspiration so as to
only symbols but also vehicles of states of strengthen it. Later, once the fire has grown
consciousness. They are naturally imbued or the walls of nature pierced and the barriers
with that power. broken then it does not matter. One simply
surges ahead like a tornado carrying others
Even sounds are carriers of vibrations too along the path towards one’s goal. A
and thereby able to communicate states of suitable place or atmosphere, the power
consciousness in the hearer. Animals know of concentration, the help of a mantra are
this instinctively and use sounds very therefore some of the means for ascending
effectively to induce fear or affection or rage beyond the limits of human nature into higher