Page 16 - NAMAH-Jul-2019
P. 16
Namah Vol. 27, Issue 2, 15th July 2019
Knowledge. of emotions or a change of governance of
nature by replacing the human will by the
This Knowledge is one with this power in Divine, the basic steps are the same. The first,
nature and is everywhere and in everything. of course, is faith, by which is meant faith in
It is this that sets limits and creates boundaries the possibility of upgrading our nature.
and laws so that each element of creation
acts as if independently and yet is secretly This faith is not a blind faith or superstition as
connected with the whole. In one word, it is some would believe. It is based on countless
the Consciousness that is inherent in creation empirical evidence cutting through time and
and all things within it. The yogin arrives space. Also this faith is not meant to turn
at this Knowledge that is already there in into a rigid and fixed belief-system but as a
everything as ‘Consciousness’. By doing so, he starting-point so that we can meaningfully
knows the secret law of everything by a direct engage in the process which is often a long
identification between his own consciousness and difficult labour. But the purpose of this
and that of the object whose secret he seeks inner labour is to eventually convert this faith
to know, whether it be that of this material into a living knowledge.
world or of the highest and most sublime
worlds now hidden to our sight and conscious By living we mean a knowledge that constantly
experience. unfolds itself in countless ways because it is not
a fixed dogma of the mind but the constant
His knowledge being direct does not need revelation of a free and infinite Consciousness
to clothe itself in abstract mathematical which cannot be bound by any human formula
formulas or elaborate theories of biology or rule. The beginnings of this faith may be
and psychology which are indirect means through contact with someone in whom the
of knowing and hence always incomplete. Truth that we seek appears manifest. Or else
Just as a man or an animal knows his hunger it may be born straight from the contact with
because he is experiencing it, and has become one’s soul that knows the Truth regardless
identified with it while others can only infer, of appearances. Of course an intrinsic faith is
rightly or wrongly by observing outer signs always more powerful than one that depends
and signals, so too it is possible to know always on contact with someone. In fact all
things through a direct identification and not true Masters awaken this inner faith as soon
through indirect sense data. This is the kind as the disciple allows it.
of knowledge that operates in animals as
instinct and in matter as the ‘law of things’. Concentration
In man this can be rediscovered by an ascent
of thought to intuition. Once the faith has awakened there should
be a sincere seeking, an effort towards the
The necessity of faith goal. This seeking for the higher truths now
hidden or covered increases with time and
What then is the process? The process is in intensifies through concentration. To aid this
fact as logical as anything else. Whether one concentration one can use the help of an image
seeks a heightening of thought or a deepening or word or idea. The mind then constantly