Page 22 - NAMAH-Oct-2019
P. 22

Namah                                  Vol. 27, Issue 3, 15th October 2019

        elements and compounds are found to interact,  The centre, the nucleus of an atom is comprised
        combine, bond, undergoing cleavage and  of both a positive component, the proton, as
        formation of bonds (of different types) with  well as a neutral component, the neutron.
        one another — that is, externally (as also  And the nucleus of an atom is found and
        undergoing internal rearrangements) —  felt (as and through the flash received) to
        through such electrons. Of course, not just the  dissolve into the Centre, the Divine… the
        position of the electrons is the determinant;  Source of all. And why not, as the atomic
        other factors too play their roles as they too  expression too is Its, though the atom and
        exist, not in isolation but forming the integral,  its constituents are held and hailed as our
        hence influenced by the collective, as the  (and of everything) fundamental seed and
        collective is influenced by the individual.   kernel, Science seeing only and endeavouring
                                                 to explain matter, reducing and deconstructing
        But what brings and forms this flash: It  everything in terms of matter, matter-of-factly,
        is the position of electrons and the hold,  but considering not the Fundamental, the only
        relative, of the nucleus on it, changing  Fundamental.
        with the change of its distance from the
        nucleus. Before proceeding on to the  Limitation of physical science: the cause
        nucleus, one more aspect, in the context,
        prods for expression through reiteration.  Why the Fundamental eludes, and hence
        The outermost shell, among all others, is  the happenings delude — the interludes
        under the least influence of the nucleus.  of incessant occurrences and recurrences
        Hence, it is the electrons in the outermost  seemingly intruding and disrupting — lies in
        shell, outermost orbit of the atom that are  the very prelude. It is the ignorance, shrouding
        most receptive, prone, susceptible, gullible,  and veiling Reality, which determines the
        proactive, reactive — and hence, engage  meanings of being and life for us, and thus,
        and indulge in the interactions, leading  determines our ways and means, which are,
        to the specific outcomes under the given  consequently, enoneous, deficient and
        entirety of the condition, the internal as  misleading.
        well as the external forming the integral
        condition and state.                     “It is evident that however much we may
                                                 analyse the physical and sensible, we cannot by
        Now to the nucleus… and to the revelation…  that means arrive at the knowledge of the Self or
        the flash of insight… or whatever it can be  of ourselves or of that which we call God (1).”
        called… the Centre of our very being and
        of everything... comes up as a query, a kind  The means has to be different, then.
        of self-answering query: “Neutrally positive,
        positively neutral? Or just positively neutral?   “If, then, there is a Self, a Reality not obvious
        Or is it neutrally positive?”            to the senses, it must be by other means than
                                                 those of physical Science that it is to be sought
        As to why it comes up as a query: Because   and known. The intellect is not that means (2).”
        the Divine is without any duality, is non-
        judgmental…                              However much the intellect is refined and

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