Page 43 - NAMAH-Oct-2019
P. 43

Namah                              Yogic insights into human psychology

        but they are not the same thing. It is  limited vision of the mental consciousness
        important to dwell upon these fundamental  that man embodies. It climbs towards higher
        truths of Yoga since they determine our  summits than the natural man at present,
        approach towards it and also the goal of  releasing thereby greater possibilities of vision,
        this journey.                            understanding and action. Sri Aurobindo
                                                 summarises it beautifully thus:
        Yoga, the self-exceeding of man
                                                 “The Yogin’s aim in the sciences that make
        When looked at this way, yoga ceases to   for knowledge should be to discover and
        be something disconnected from life or  understand the workings of the Divine
        another kind of religious activity. It is one   Consciousness-Puissance in man and creatures
        of the fundamental quests of man inbuilt  and things and forces, her creative significances,
        within us. Science, art, humanities, religion,   her execution of the mysteries, the symbols in
        ideology, philosophy are nothing but kind  which she arranges the manifestation. The
        of unconscious efforts at yoga. Or to put   Yogin’s aim in the practical sciences, whether
        it in another way, Yoga is at once science  mental and physical or occult and psychic,
        and art and humanities and religion and   should be to enter into the ways of the Divine
        philosophy and yet something beyond it. In   and his processes, to know the materials and
        essence yoga is a self-exceeding of man to  means for the work given to us so that we
        beyond his manhood. It is an inner science   may use that knowledge for a conscious and
        through which man ascends out of his zone  faultless expression of the spirit’s mastery, joy
        of ignorance into some plenary Truth.    and self-fulfilment. The Yogin’s aim in the Arts
                                                 should not be a mere aesthetic, mental or vital
        It is an art that reveals to us the formless   gratification, but, seeing the Divine everywhere,
        Beauty and causeless Delight that exists in all   worshipping it with a revelation of the meaning
        things. It is a religion, but a vast and catholic   of its own works, to express that One Divine
        and all-inclusive religion, that worships the  in ideal forms, the One Divine in principles
        eternal with or without Form since it knows   and forces, the One Divine in gods and men
        that these are two sides of the same Truth. It   and creatures and objects. The theory that sees
        is a philosophy, but a philosophy of life born   an intimate connection between religious
        out of a living truth experienced within the  aspiration and the truest and greatest Art is
        inner spaces of our soul. It is a sublime idea   in essence right; but we must substitute for the
        and ideology that looks upon man and bird   mixed and doubtful religious motive a spiritual
        and beast and plant and dust, all as part of a  aspiration, vision, interpreting experience. For
        single plan and sees these different seeming   the wider and more comprehensive the seeing,
        objects and forms as images of the One and   the more it contains in itself the sense of the
        the Infinite.                            hidden Divine in humanity and in all things
                                                 and rises beyond a superficial religiosity into
        Thus seen, yoga completes science and art,   the spiritual life, the more luminous, flexible,
        taking them to their zenith of possibilities. It  deep and powerful will the Art be that springs
        fulfils these and other human actitvities so to  from that high motive. The Yogin’s distinction
        say. Yoga does so by ascending beyond the  from other men is this that he lives in a higher

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