Page 16 - NAMAH-Jan-2020
P. 16
Namah Vol. 27, Issue 4, 15th January 2020
one cannot know the soul and it remains a qualities it is meant to manifest. Since such an
speculation. Mystics through the world and evolution is not possible within the confines
in all ages found this secret entity by going of one life given its many limitations, the soul
within. What this means is that since the soul must go through many experiences through a
is of the same stuff as pure consciousness, one range of lives with varied experiences, which
can know it only through an identification of it faces and absorbs with the unique angle of
our individual consciousness with the soul. developing and bringing out the latent divine
The individual consciousness is mixed with potential within it. Since the Divine is infinite
many layers on the surfaces of life like the and therefore infinite are ‘His’ divine qualities,
foam and froth upon the sea. But if we go there are many souls wherein each represents
deep, deep down into the core of anything, a centre to bring out one or another of these
be it a seed or a drop of water or an atom or divine qualities while keeping the others in
within ourselves, we will eventually touch the background.
this fundamental Reality by which and on
which the warp and woof of creation hangs. This is our true individuality and not the ego-
self wherein differences lead to fragmentation
While science takes the longer circuitous and division and conflict. The differences
route of going deeper and deeper into creation, of potential and degree of development
Yoga takes the other route of going deeper of the individual soul however leads to
and deeper within oneself. It may be noted complementariness rather than division since
that the two processes are not exclusive each soul is aware within its core that it is
but complimentary to each other. The only part of the universal and the Divine Whole.
difference is that science as it is today tries The soul is the first, the primary nodal point,
to go deeper through instruments invented the junction of the One Consciousness and
by the human mind, which itself is a power its manifold diversity. To discover one’s
of nature and built by nature using the five soul facilitates the discovery of the cosmic
elements. Yet the mind has this possibility Soul and the soul in all things. This means a
within it to soar beyond what constitutes new relation with creation where unity and
it by a process of concentration. When this diversity becomes tangible, possible and a
concentration is practised within through the self-existent truth. In fact it is the only way
subjective spaces of our being then we arrive to discover true and lasting unity.
at the discovery of our inmost individual
soul. It is the proper gateway to the universal In search of the soul
consciousness since the individual soul is only
a portion of the universal, one in essence but In other words the true self, the soul, is covered
different in terms of its manifesting power. by the ego-self. The ego-self is often compared
to the outer crust of a seed. This outer crust is
Each individual soul brings forward one or needed for some time as a protective coating
another aspect of the cosmic Divine into play. that allows the inner part to grow quietly within
Its experiences through life, or rather lives, are without coming much into notice of the world
meant as feeders to help the soul grow into its forces that stalk the growing soul. The ego-
full potential which is one or a number of divine self serves as the initial protective layer.