Page 49 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 49

Namah                                           An answer to irritation

        to you inside.                           work amounts to much more than clearing
                                                 away one little blemish.  Done sincerely, it
        See what happens with the scene and the actors  can resolve our entire nature.
        when you observe them in full consciousness.
        Is the image not melting as love begins to  Therefore for the work to be complete, everyday
        rise up in your heart? What has happened  life has to become our field of work. The
        to the triggers? Have they not disappeared?  Mother spoke of being in a state of “attentive
        The state of Truth is simply not allowing it to  observation” and having “antennae (1)” to
        arise. There might be a feeling of illimitable  bring light to every moment of our life. It is
        peace. I find this happens when the Truth  only in everyday life only that these wrong
        settles inside. It automatically resolves any  movements can be truly transformed into right.
        anomaly. It harmonises our being. This exercise  Keeping the presence of the Mother is our best
        is really about changing our nature. Resolving  safeguard. This is a beautiful and infallible way
        irritation can be a catalyst for complete change.  of negotiating and resolving the contours of
        Take it as a panacea for living.         our life.

        This exercise needs continual repetition because  Truly the work never ends. The personal effort
        initially it is not easy to maintain this poise  gradually eases and finally grinds to a halt as
        for long in the Truth. There are times when  something greater takes over but, the work
        the Truth seems very elusive. There are times  will always continue. I’m sure that there will
        when our nature hides from the soul. Life is a  still be work beyond transformation: truly it
        constant examination and provocation is sure  never ends.
        to come, particularly when our watchfulness
        is shelved. If we are serious about resolving  Reference
        our nature we have to develop our stamina.
        This comes through practice. We have to be   1.  The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother, Volume
        prepared to go to the very end. How else can   4. 2  ed. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
        our ‘dog’s tail’ ever be straightened? This   Trust; 2003, p.35.

                  James Anderson is a member of SAIIIHR and coordinating editor of NAMAH.

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