Page 46 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 46
Namah Vol. 28, Issue 1, 24th April 2020
never accept to disappear to the profit of the reconcile. To overcome divergence, let this
Divine. A German proverb says that the last divergence remain in the state of consciousness
shirt has no pockets, meaning that human to which it belongs, the human one. But let
stuff has no purpose on the other side, be it us aim to reach and abide in the higher state
an object or a thought. of consciousness where we aim to belong,
the psychic being’s one. Whenever we relate
Having some disagreement with someone is to the Divine, consciously and consistently,
the natural way ego relates to ego, and the everything that is human remains human,
more we are close to someone, the more the and instantly disappears from the state to
grievance may be important or, seemingly, which we try to refer: the Divine.
insurmountable. That is why family issues
are so difficult to overcome, because, since A few useful techniques
we love someone so much, we expect a lot
from him/her, and we are so desperate when • Relate our self to the higher state of
the behaviour doesn’t fit our expectations. consciousness, which is spiritual, and
Afterwards, surely, we will have grievance in which nothing that is human remains
for as long as we or the person is alive. And important, particularly any conflict.
then? Shall we take this grievance with us, • Refer to the psychic being, whatever
in this shirt without pockets? happens in our daily life.
• Stand for the Truth, whatever happens.
“Think as if each thought was written in • Start to forgive on our side, even though
letters of fire in the sky, because it is indeed the other is not ready. For that, relate to
what happens!” says an esoteric proverb. the higher part of ourselves, in which the
A thought is an object, though on a subtle previous problem has vanished, since it
plane, and each thought of criticism or evil belongs to the lower state and has no place
gossiping towards another is a stone that we in this higher one.
launch to the person, but which may harm
our respective subtle body. Every process of reconciliation is wel-
come, and there is no such thing as little
Disagreement is likely a natural way for reconciliations, be it between two partners,
humans to relate, as we are all unique and members of a family, or an individual and
possibly capable of expressing differences. a community, etc. There is no need to wait
That doesn’t mean that disagreement should for huge turbulences in a community or
lead to conflict, because conflict always for a Christmas truce to finally initiate a
nurtures the conflict and leads to endless process of reconciliation. Every moment
confrontation and inability to forgive and is a good one to start!
Denis Capdeville (Dan) is an NLP and hypnosis practitioner, working at Santé, Auroville, India.