Page 15 - NAMAH-Jul-2020
P. 15

Namah                The Mother and the importance of physical education...

        The author (3rd from left) during a demonstration in front of the Mother and Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru
        (Playground, 16.1.1955). Tara Jauhar; Lata Jauhar and Manoj Das Gupta are also among the participants.
        time I performed before Her.             Blessings in 1966), Hansa and I have both
                                                 remained focused on keeping our bodies
        In those days there were no gymnasiums  fit by exercising regularly, in addition to
        or fitness centres of any kind in the U.S.A. I  working professionally together  for two
        exercised in my small room in the attic of a  decades and raising two sons, Niraj (name
        house, where I used my chemistry textbooks  given by the Mother) and Uday (named by
        as dumb-bells! Later, I had access to tennis  Champaklal-bhai).
        courts but no place for gymnastics. The
        luxury of the Ashram facilities were non-  Every time we came back to Pondicherry I
        existent in the richest country of the world!  would practise my gymnastics. When we
        Note that She started the gymnasium in the  came to celebrate the 100th anniversary
        1940s, but health clubs came into existence in  of the Mother’s birthday, as usual I was
        the US, and later in other parts of the world,  practising my back flips in the Sportsground.
        four decades later. Note also that both girls  I was thirty-six years old then. Chitra-di
        and boys participated in the same activities  must have noticed because she went and
        together, based on ability, not gender. It is  asked Pranab-da if I could participate in the
        still not the case in most parts of the world.  darshan day performance in the Playground.
        Neither was one’s age an issue. I recall Nolini-  He consented, and for the first time I did
        da participating in the long jump competition  multiple back flips, finishing off with a back
        with children much younger than him!     somersault. Being permitted to participate
                                                 after being away for fourteen years was, for
        From the time of our marriage (with the Mother’s  me, an affirmation from Her.

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