Page 17 - NAMAH-Jul-2020
P. 17

Namah                The Mother and the importance of physical education...

        method in their education; it was solely by   been shown to reduce changes in the brain
        material means and an enlightened use of    that can lead to dementia and Alzheimer’s.
        human will that they had achieved this result.
        If they had added to this a spiritual knowledge  •  Aerobic exercises from active sports that
        and power, they could have achieved an almost   increase the heart rate, lead to improved
        miraculous result…. Because of the false    blood circulation. This raises the oxygen
        ideas prevalent in the world, we don’t usually   levels in circulation and also increases the
        see the two things together, spiritual mastery   strength of the heart muscle. It significantly
        and material mastery, and so one is always   reduces the risk of heart disease.
        incomplete without the other; but this is
        exactly what we want to do…  if the two are  •  Exercise has been shown to reduce your
        combined, the result can reach a perfection   blood sugar levels by improving the
        that’s unthinkable for the ordinary human   functioning of the pancreas that produces
        mind, and this is what we want to attempt (5).”  insulin. There is steady rise in the incidence
                                                    of diabetes around the world. In addition,
        Recently, Hansa and  I have been encouraging   approximately 35% of world population
        the devotees at the Los Angeles Centre to   is obese.
        exercise every day. It is in this connection
        that Vikas, who manages the Centre, brought  •    Exercise can also be a very effective means
        to our attention  what Sri Aurobindo and    of combating chronic pain. For many
        the Mother have written about the crucial   years, the recommendation was rest
        importance of physical education in Integral   and inactivity. Several studies have
        Yoga. That is perhaps the most distinctive   now demonstrated that exercise reduces
        feature of the yoga. Nearly eight decades   pain and improves the quality of life.
        after the Mother established and emphasised   Participants in these studies included
        physical education irrespective of gender or   those with chronic lower back pain,
        age, the rest of the world is recognising the   fibromyalgia and chronic soft tissue
        benefits of exercise.                       shoulder disorder to name a few.

        Health benefits of physical exercise     Parallel to these material aspects is the
                                                 cultivation of our physical consciousness,
        •  A rigorous scientific study of over four  which was something deemed essential by
           thousand adult non-clinical population  Sri Aurobindo Himself:
           and over ten thousand similarly selected
           population showed significant reduction   “A development of the physical consciousness
           in depression in the former and alleviation  must always be a considerable part of our aim,
           of anxiety attacks in the latter.     but for that the right development of the body
                                                 itself is an essential element; health, strength,
        •  Exercise, by increasing blood-flow to the   fitness are the first needs, but the physical frame
           brain has been shown to increase the size   itself must be the best possible. A divine life in
           of the hippocampus, the part of the brain   a material world implies necessarily a union of
           vital for memory and learning. It has also   the two ends of existence, the spiritual summit

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