Page 16 - NAMAH-Jul-2020
P. 16

Namah                                     Vol. 28, Issue 2, 15th July 2020

        Looking back at those years I recollect all   able to take a single step on the true path
        the time She spent every evening, setting an   of integral yoga, unless they first get rid of
        example Herself, playing tennis every day   their contempt. Control of the body in all
        from 4 to 5 in the Pondicherry heat, while   its forms is an indispensable basis. A body
        we stood in the shade of the umpire’s chair!   which dominates you is an enemy, it is a
        She would then spend an additional hour or   disorder you cannot accept (3).”
        more, watching us very intently. There can
        be no greater motivation than to perform in  Systematic and purposeful exercise rather
        front of Her. I feel incredibly blessed to have  than widespread aasana was preferred by the
        been able to do so, for over two decades.  Mother:

        One may ask, as many older sadhaks did, why  “From our experience we have found that
        She spent so much time each day, participating  a particular system of exercises cannot be
        and overseeing physical education. All of us  stamped as the only yogic type of exercises
        who grew up in the Ashram know that we  and we cannot definitely say that participation
        needed a chit from Nripen-da at the Ashram  in those exercises only will gain health because
        Dispensary, if we were going to miss any  they are yogic exercises.
        physical exercises. That was not required for
        the School! I believe that is still true today.  “Any rational system of exercises suited
        She had found the most able individual in  to one’s need and capacity will help the
        Pranab-da to help maintain a strict discipline.  participant to improve in health. Moreover,
        We did all the assigned activities each day  it is the attitude that is more important. Any
        of the week, thinking nothing of it because  well-planned and scientifically arranged
        She was there.                           programme of exercises practised with a
                                                 yogic attitude will become yogic exercises
        Integral Yoga and the body               and the person practising them will draw
                                                 full benefit from the point of view of physical
        The most crucial and distinguishing feature  health and moral and spiritual uplift (4).”
        of Their Integral Yoga is the emphasis on the  In order to break the mindset, that is still
        body, something that was ignored for the past  prevalent, despite her best efforts, we did
        2000 years, viewing this world as an illusion  not have asanas as part of our daily physical
        and this body to be rid of. She says:    exercises. In fact, only Ambu bhai performed
                                                 asanas in front of Her every darshan day.
        1. “Very few people understand this and
          generally those who are against the outer  This is what The Mother said after She witnessed
          discipline of sports, this concentration on  the Russian Olympic gymnasts perform in
          the material realisation, are people who  front of Her in 1958:
          completely lack control over their physical
          being. And to realise the integral yoga of   “Well, that mastery is already a great step
          Sri Aurobindo the control of one’s body is a   forward towards the transformation of the
          first indispensable step. Those who despise   body. And these people who, I could say, are
          physical activities are people who won’t be   materialists by profession, used no spiritual

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