Page 23 - NAMAH-Oct-2020
P. 23
Namah Yogic insights into human psychology
result is so much avoidable suffering. This Take ambition for example. It is true that
is not only in the psychological field but also ordinarily, man is impelled by the goad of
the physical. The effect of anger and fear desire and the whiplash of ambition. This
and restlessness and anxiety on our body is dark deity nevertheless drives us to perform
rather well known. Peace and equanimity are and thereby becomes the motivating force
like the calming agents that create the right for a kind of progress in mankind. But this
conditions for us to perceive things better progress comes at a heavy cost. It is like
and to make the right and true responses the old coal engines that drove the train
to events and people and circumstances. A but threw up much smoke in the process.
wide equanimity and a cultivation of peace It had a limited ability to pull the carriages
should be considered as the very basis of a but in the absence of better fuel this was the
happy and healthy life. cheapest method to take us from one station
to another. But as we progressed scientifically
The springs of spiritual action so to say, better and more efficient fuels were
discovered. Something similar applies to the
One may say that all this is very fine. All field of all human activities.
these qualities, though acquired more easily
through yoga, may be helpful to make us a Desire is a fuel but not the best one. Hidden
good human being, even perhaps a creative behind desire and clouded by it there is will
human being but what about meeting the and faith. These are the original driving
challenge of life, what about the survival of engines for man. But since we have not
the fittest, what about the competition and developed them, in fact everything that we
strife that abound in our everyday life? It learn in school, helps to deactivate these
is true that competition and the blind race inbuilt original driving- systems installed
that drives humanity towards the abyss within us. It is the virus of artificially defined
does not go with yoga. Nor does anger and success that has corrupted these engines. It is
aggressiveness and ambition thrive long in not our true nature but a distortion introduced
an individual who strives rightly for yoga. by the mind. True success is to live the truth of
But as these things which are the stuff of what our life. And we are given all the tools needed
we are ordinarily made drop of, other things to express it. When we do that, we discover
take their place which hold us in even better joy and our life discovers its true harmonious
stead even from the point of view of worldly rhythm leading to a sense of satisfaction and
success. even fulfilment. This state is most conducive
to psychological, social and physical well-
being. If instead of competing with others,
each one tries one’s utmost to discover and
live the truth of one’s own being then each
would automatically give one’s best. In other
words, we define success artificially like the
rabbit and tortoise fable and then go about
running a mock race. Spiritual perception
clears this basic wrong understanding and