Page 24 - NAMAH-Oct-2020
P. 24

Namah                                  Vol. 28, Issue 3, 15th October 2020

        thereby helps us put our efforts in the right  it fills us with the courage and confidence
        direction.                               that are so much needed for success in any
                                                 sphere of life.
        Implicit behind this is the recognition that
        there is a Wisdom that works in creation and  Finally, by a sustained practice of concentration,
        to each it has allocated a role and a place.  we gradually develop the skills of a perfect
        Life is the way to find this place. Action is  marksman who directs his aim straight at
        a means to discover what is our role in this  the target. After all, true success is not the
        universe, a role that is uniquely ours and  handmaid of aggression but of concentration.
        which none else can occupy. When we live  Aggression may help temporarily achieve
        life with this perception. then we simply do  success in some fields such as sports because
        what we are meant to do just as the winds  through it one accumulates all the energies
        blow, rivers flow, as the sun radiates heat  necessary to achieve one’s target. But for all
        and light, and flowers offer their fragrance.  its merits, aggression is a poor fuel. It may
        It is simple, easy, natural. Then we are freed  give an immediate kick-start but damages
        from stress and ambition but in fact succeed  the system in the long run. Its harmful effects
        in the true sense, since we are what we were  upon our social life and relationships are
        meant to be. It is only when we try to measure  well known.
        our success in relative terms by comparing
        it with others’ that we are constantly under  What alternative fuel in driving human nature
        stress and even when we ‘succeed’ we are not  does yoga provide? We have a few choices
        happy. A constant unhappiness gnaws in our  here. Yoga teaches us that work is worship
        hearts and makes all our success seem hollow.  and hence the yogin pursues excellence for
        The result is chronic unhappiness which we  the sake of it. He is neither working for any
        try to cover up with artificial and scentless  earthly reward nor to secure any other-
        flowers that look real but are not. Or else we  worldly seat in heaven. For him work is a
        run here and there in search of an illusory  means to worship the Divine and hence he
        happiness, get high on wealth and position,  does it with utmost care. Besides a state of
        or take to alcohol, drugs and other forms of  inner peace helps the yogin focus better.
        pleasure to help us momentarily forget the  Work flows through a yogin naturally as
        pain and the sadness behind our smiles.  a river flows towards the ocean. The Gita
                                                 declares, ‘Yoga is skill in works’, and it is
        But there is still more. Spirituality in fact  indeed so in the experience of yogins. Part of
        makes us strong in more ways than one. The  the misconception arises because we associate
        Upanisads say that this self is not for the weak  peace with inertia, but peace is a very powerful
        and indeed it is so. Spirituality takes away  state. It clears the human system of all kinds
        from us all fear and anxiety and replaces it  of rough and turbulent energies and thereby
        with faith and trust. It makes us fearless, so  helps the free and smooth flow of energies
        to speak. It prevents the huge loss of energy  through us. This is the second fuel.
        that we incur through these leaking holes that
        sap our energies. It also frees us from anger  Yoga opens us to doors of infinite energy
        which is in fact the sign of a weakness. Instead  from above and not as we presently draw

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