Page 29 - NAMAH-Oct-2020
P. 29

Namah                              Yogic insights into human psychology

                                                 world or by its suffering. The ecstasy of
                                                 the divine embrace will not abandon him
                                                 because he obeys the impulse of divine
                                                 love for God in humanity; or if it seems to
                                                 draw back from him for a while, he knows
                                                 by experience that it is to try and test him
                                                 still farther so that some imperfection in
                                                 his own way of meeting it may fall away
                                                 from him. Personal salvation he does not
                                                 seek except as a necessity for the human
                                                 fulfilment and because he who is himself in
                                                 bonds cannot easily free others, — though
                                                 to God nothing is impossible; for a heaven
                                                 of personal joys he has no hankerings even
                                                 as a hell of personal sufferings has for him
                                                 no terrors. If there is an opposition between
                                                 the spiritual life and that of the world, it
                                                 is that gulf which he is here to bridge, that
                                                 opposition which he is here to change into a
        and selfishness, however spiritual in their   harmony. If the world is ruled by the flesh
        guise or trend, he can have no dealings; a   and the devil, all the more reason that the
        divine strength and courage and a divine   children of Immortality should be here to
        compassion and helpfulness are the very   conquer it for God and the Spirit. If life is
        stuff of that which he would be, they are   an insanity, then there are so many million
        that very nature of the Divine which he   souls to whom there must be brought the
        would take upon himself as a robe of     light of divine reason; if a dream, yet is it
        spiritual light and beauty.  The revolvings   real within itself to so many dreamers who
        of the great wheel bring to him no sense   must be brought either to dream nobler
        of terror or giddiness; he rises above it   dreams or to awaken; or if a lie, then the
        in his soul and knows from above their   truth has to be given to the deluded. Nor, if
        divine law and their divine purpose. The   it be said that only by the luminous example
        difficulty of harmonising the divine life   of escape from the world can we help the
        with human living, of being in God and   world, shall we accept that dogma, since
        yet living in man is the very difficulty that   the contrary example of great Avataras is
        he is set here to solve and not to shun. He   there to show that not only by rejecting the
        has learned that the joy, the peace and the   life of the world as it is can we help, but
        deliverance are an imperfect crown and   also and more by accepting and uplifting
        no real possession if they do not form a   it. And if it is a play of the All-Existence,
        state secure in itself, inalienable to the soul,   then we may well consent to play out our
        not dependent on aloofness and inaction   part in it with grace and courage, well take
        but firm in the storm and the race and the   delight in the game along with our divine
        battle, unsullied whether by the joy of the   Playmate (5).”

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