Page 36 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 36
Namah Vol. 28, Issue 4, 15th January 2021
When attempting to make an important client learn how to introspect, thus eventually
decision situating the growth process within them,
rather than the psychotherapist. Furthermore,
● How do you go about making decisions asking questions in this way still allows
for yourself? the psychotherapist to be guided by their
● What is getting in the way of you making respective theory, while permitting the client
a decision for yourself? to define and identify — in their own terms
● Have you ever been successful at making — what is causing their current difficulty,
decisions in the past? If so, can that be applied thus increasing its meaning. This type of
here? approach has the capacity to help clients get
in touch with the central stable witness aspect
When dealing with the Interpersonal dynamic of their personality, rather than the constantly
between the client and therapist fluctuating set of ideas, emotions, impulses,
and bodily sensations in their surface nature.
● I notice that you sometimes do X (e.g.,
laugh, get silent, become distant) when we References
begin to go deeper. What happens for you
in those moments? 1. Hoffman S, Hayes SC The future of intervention
● What is the function of this (i.e., what is the science: Process-based therapy. Clinical Psychological
purpose or reason of its existence)? Science 2019; 7(1): 37-50.
● Are you satisfied with the way you currently
are in here? If not, how would you like to 2. Ibid.
be different?
● Is the way you are in here similar or different to 3. Ibid.
other areas of your life? If so, how and why?
4. Dalal AS. Psychology, Mental health and Yoga: Sri
When addressing cultural factors Aurobindo’s Psychological Thought Implications
of Yoga for Mental Health. 2nd ed. Pondicherry:
● Do you feel that any aspect of your identity Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 2001, p. 45.
(e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability
status, religiosity, residency status) may be 5. Sen I. Integral psychotherapy: Approach and
playing a role in what is currently going standpoint. Psychological Research Journal 1984;
on for you? 8(1-2): 55-61.
● Does me being X (e.g., a male) contribute
in any way to the way you are currently 6. King M, Bearman PS. Gifts and influence:
feeling or expressing yourself in here? Conflict of interest policies and prescribing
of psychotropic medications in the United
Conclusion States. Social Science Medicine 2018; 172: 153-62.
As can be seen, a process-based approach 7. Ibid.
is largely comprised of here-and-now, open-
ended questions that are supposed to help the 8. Wampold BE. The research evidence for