Page 41 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 41
Namah Your atmosphere is contagious
be no attraction between dissimilar states. we can observe what is happening inside. An
Like only attracts like, so the different levels automatic unease develops to any negativity
of consciousness will repel one another in an that tickles us from around. Ultimately, if we
almost unnoticed fashion. However, when are able to seal ourselves and open only to the
they are pushed together, much anguish and divine influence, our atmosphere will surely
friction can result. remain radiant and intact. But a beginning
has to be made and it is better to be cautious
We all sit at the receiving-end of these and maintain one’s balance.
widespread contagions and everything
depends upon the affinity that is stored within. Practice always starts from inside. We need
The affinity always determines the response. to align our consciousness very firmly within.
It is not a superficial phenomenon but an Practice implies effort, particularly in the early
inner reality, a factor of the level and content stages. We need to cling to Truth. This Truth
of our consciousness. Everything depends is our psychic being, our evolving soul, which
upon this. One has to be very connected and is the determinant of all meaningful change.
conscious to remain separate and distinct The inner connection is what counts. As we
from any surrounding vibrations. But it is observe our inner movements repeatedly, we
possible though, as Sri Aurobindo extolled become more confident and adept in making
the virtue of being able to meditate on the the right responses to what comes from
battlefield. It will only come through an around. It is the capacity of our consciousness
assiduous inner orientation and yoga. which will always prove decisive. It needs to
be kept untainted and nurtured by constantly
Imagine yourself surrounded by a cocoon of referring it to our psychic centre.
white Light so that nothing harmful can enter!
The Mother offers this in Agenda(1) and faith Whatever is happening around us, it is always
makes it real. It just has to be embraced. We possible to create a positive atmosphere.
must learn to wrap a filter around ourselves, Conducive surroundings will certainly help
an instantaneous means of discernment but if one can manage this when everything
which can envelop us twenty-four hours around is soiled or blazing, then one marks
a day. The true safeguard is our psychic oneself down as a true warrior:
connection. Initially, as we walk this path,
we need to be wary of contagion, because “A spiritual atmosphere is more important than
quite venomous ones may be clothed in a outer conditions; if one can get that and also create
glittering or appealing disguise. one’s own spiritual air to breathe in and live in it,
that is the true condition of progress (2).”
Vigilance and attention is very necessary
because certain atmospheres we encounter It is the orientation of our consciousness
can be insidious in a very subtle yet harmful which determines this air that we breathe and
way. We must not be deceived. Everything “precisely by inner discipline; you can control
comes through practice, not so much formal your thoughts, turning them exclusively
sittings, but rather being in a state of everlasting towards the sadhana, controlling your actions,
beingness. When we are present within ourselves turning them exclusively towards the sadhana,