Page 11 - NAMAH-Apr-2021
P. 11

Namah                           Viewing and treating others as the Divine

        is quite different from what we normally  “— He who has done even a little good to
        experience and quite different from the way   human beings, though he be the worst of
        that we conduct our lives. If we accept this   sinners, is accepted by God in the ranks of His
        view of Reality, then our aim should be to  lovers and servants. He shall look upon the face
        realign our experience and our conduct  of the Eternal (4).”
        into better conformity with this ideal. Our
        way of looking at the world, including our   “— When I knew nothing, then I abhorred the
        way of looking at others, must undergo  criminal, sinful and impure, being myself full of
        a significant, even a radical change. This  crime, sin and impurity; but when I was cleansed
        necessarily takes time, effort, discipline,  and my eyes unsealed, then I bowed down in
        perseverance and it takes the support and   my spirit before the thief and the murderer and
        the Grace of the Divine. Moreover, they  adored the feet of the harlot; for I saw that these
        have presented us with methods and with  souls had accepted the terrible burden of evil
        practical guidance in order to carry out  and drained for all of us the greater portion of
        this change. But before considering their  the churned poison of the world-ocean (5).”
        guidance for how to change, let us consider
        in more detail the ideal with regard to our  We get a more nuanced view of how we
        relations with others into which we must  should relate to others in the Letters on Yoga,
        progressively grow.                      which has a substantial section devoted to the
                                                 subject. What is stressed there more strongly
        Loving the Divine through others         is the idea that love, harmony, and unity with
                                                 others, while important, come about as an
        One of Sri Aurobindo’s writings which most  outcome of love, harmony and unity with
        strikingly emphasises the idea of the Divine  the Divine, and that unity with the Divine
        being in all and the experience of seeing the  comes about as a result of the contact with
        Divine in others is Thoughts and Aphorisms.  and realisation of our psychic being and the
        Here are a few aphorisms that convey that  Divine immanent within ourselves. Therefore,
        ideal and that experience:               there is a stronger emphasis on living within
                                                 in our inner being, on communing with the
        “— Love of man, love of woman, love of things,  Divine within ourselves as a prerequisite
        love of thy neighbour, love of thy country, love  to relating to others as forms of the Divine.
        of animals, love of humanity are all the love of  While love, friendship, goodness, charity,
        God reflected in these living images. So love  generosity to others are highly valued, they
        and grow mighty to enjoy all, to help all and  are seen as a natural outflow from the soul
        to love for ever (2).”                   or psychic being expressed through the
                                                 transformed instruments of the mind, vital,
        “— Pity may be reserved, so long as thy makes  and physical consciousness. At the same time,
        distinctions, for the suffering animals; but  the Letters show more clearly how normally
        humanity deserves from thee something  our relations with others are typically
        nobler; it asks for love, for understanding,  deformed and debased by the vital ego, and
        for comradeship, for the help of the equal  that this deformity must cease and make way
        and brother (3).”                        for the deeper psychic feelings to come out.

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