Page 12 - NAMAH-Apr-2021
P. 12
Namah Vol. 29, Issue 1, 24th April 2021
Here are a few short passages which relate which the sadhak enters by nearness to the
these ideas: Divine and the feeling of oneness with the
Divine. (8).”
“There is a love in which the emotion is turned
towards the Divine in an increasing receptivity Our ideal is to see the Divine in itself, in
and growing union. What it receives from the ourselves, and in all things and all beings,
Divine it pours out on others, but freely without and thus in our relations with others we
demanding a return. If you are capable of that, must learn to approach them in this spirit.
then that is the highest and most satisfying way Nevertheless, while the Divine is there in all,
to love (6).” there exist differences in its manifestation
through the individual form of others; all
The next day the correspondent asked, “What cannot be treated in the same way. These
must one do to have this love?” Sri Aurobindo differences must be acknowledged, but
replied, “First you must want it in a continuous instead of approaching them in a vital and
way (7).” mental way, through division and conflict,
they are to be approached in a psychic manner.
That means that we must be centred within
in our soul, our psychic being, not reacting
to others with the outer consciousness, but
using the outer consciousness only as an
instrument and channel for the soul. Until
we are capable of this inner contact and
union with the deeper psychic consciousness
within us, developing that inner contact and
unity should be our main focus. That means
concentrating on our soul.
Dangers in relations with others
It may also mean withdrawing from or
minimising contacts with others who tend to
lower the consciousness or pull it outward.
But more importantly it means striving
to remain within and detached from the
difficulties that may arise in our day-to-day
relations with others. Sri Aurobindo says in
a letter:
“Absence of love and fellow-feeling is not “It is true that mixing with others too closely
necessary for nearness to the Divine; on the tends to lower the condition, if they are not
contrary, a sense of closeness and oneness with themselves in the right attitude and live very
others is a part of the divine consciousness into much in the vital. In all contacts what you have