Page 18 - NAMAH-Apr-2021
P. 18

Namah                                    Vol. 29, Issue 1, 24th April 2021

        lack of receptivity, and it can come from  see that within them is a divine soul that is
        mental, vital or physical sources.       developing its ability to express itself through
                                                 the experiences of their outer personality?
        Therefore, we should be clear in our mind that  Every day we should strive to become more
        the Divine Force is there waiting to support  conscious of our motives in our interactions
        our efforts or carry them out for us, and then  with others, and to become more conscious
        we should practise aspiring, calling, praying  of their motives with us.
        to the Divine for whatever object may be
        needed in our spiritual growth, such as in  Another thing to become conscious of when
        this case the overcoming of desire. The more  trying to overcome desire is to be aware
        often we do this, the more intensely we do  of our own self-deception. Desire is very
        this, the more we will see the effects of the  tricky and can take deceptive forms. But it
        working of the Divine Force in us. Even a  also clouds our mind so that it is not seen
        weak aspiration or prayer will have its effect,  and can continue. In our relationships with
        but if we can make it strong and steady it  others, if we look carefully, we are likely to
        will have tremendous effects. It is a simple  find that we continuously justify our wrong
        technique but very effective. This method  movements, such as using others to satisfy
        can also be combined with the previous one  our desires as well as wrong reactions to their
        of standing back in the Witness Purussa, such  behaviour, such as anger, jealousy, hurt pride,
        that from that silent inner poise we call on  disappointment, sadness, and the like. We
        the Divine to quieten and then silence the  say to ourselves, they did this to me so I am
        outer turmoil of desire, or whatever else we  entitled to feel this way. But we must take
        might aspire for.                        ownership of our feelings and actions. It is
                                                 not inevitable that we respond to slights or
        A third method is to become more and more  insults with outrage. It is also possible to be
        conscious, aware, watchful, sensitive in our  unaffected if we are not dependent on others
        interactions with others. We must learn to  for our self-worth, or if we are poised in our
        detect when and where desire is entering,  inner being. An attitude of constant self-
        and keep up a will that it should not be  justification for wrong actions or thoughts or
        allowed to enter and distort the interaction.  feelings makes it very difficult to overcome
        Am I trying to get something from the other  them.
        person? Am I trying to get the other person
        to do something? Is the other person trying to  And finally, we can use another method that
        get something from me? Is the other person  involves making a slight twist to a practical
        trying to get me to do something? This kind  advice that was given by Sri Aurobindo. He
        of vital exchange goes on all the time. It leads  said:
        to a constant exchange of vital energies with
        other people which may be harmless or may   “Always behave as if the Mother were looking
        be harmful. How is it affecting me personally?   at you, because she is, indeed, always present
        How is it affecting my spiritual growth? How  (26).”
        does it seem to be affecting the other person?
        Do we accept the person as they are? Can we  We can slightly change this advice to say,

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