Page 22 - NAMAH-Apr-2021
P. 22
Namah Vol. 29, Issue 1, 24th April 2021
of books on human psychology can. are within is that outside we shall enjoy.
Yet we cannot say that yoga and yogis are The human predicament
not responsible for this lack of interest in
deeper spiritual truths that can make our life Let us then try to understand a human being
beautiful and sublime. Yoga has often been as he stands today with an eye on what he can
projected as a means for the ultimate goal of yet be in the future. We must admit that of all
escape from worldly life. Whatever health and creatures, whether in nature or made by man,
other benefits that are claimed for it, — and man is by far the most complex organism
there are quite a lot, yoga’s ultimate aim is still so far. This complexity arises from three
understood to be other-worldly. The manifold main sources. First and foremost man is the
activities and relationships of this life are end-product (so far) of a long and complex
therefore seen at best only as a preparation evolution. He not only summarises but also
for the afterlife which is why very often yoga compresses within him all the past that has
psychology and yoga philosophy never finds gone before him. All the layers of evolution
full appeal in a modern humanity that aspires continue to exist within him, not only in
more than ever before for terrestrial perfection. some subconscious part but in the very basic
And yet when we take a closer look at the structure and functioning of his body.
yogis of yore in the very land of Yoga we do
not find them as a spent-up force seeking an Our reactions and responses are still burdened
escape route but as great creators, discoverers, by the animal past and even though our
warriors, rulers, kings, lovers and scientists thoughts and intelligence strive for something
and artists and thinkers in almost every field better and higher the animal is still there,
of human endeavour. It is towards this hidden in the very cells, in the very touch and
ancient Light of yogic wisdom, enhanced twitch of the involuntary nerves. This often
amply by the new revelations given by Sri leads to a dissonance between our thoughts
Aurobindo and the Mother, that we shall turn and actions, creating a big confusion for us
to find what gems there are in its treasure- and for others.
troves that can make our life, especially our
human relationships, better and better. But
first let us take a look at a human being itself,
in all his inherent complexity. For unless we
understand what a human being is, we cannot
understand what he does and should do and
how he can operate better by upgrading his
psychological system and evolving to a higher
and sublime humanity. The very basis of yoga
is concentrated evolution and if our present
human self is not capable of a greater, truer,
nobler living, then yoga gives us the means
to evolve consciously and thereby improve
upon our life. The rule here is that what we