Page 44 - NAMAH-Apr-2021
P. 44
Namah Vol. 29, Issue 1, 24th April 2021
changing; my feelings cannot be me, as they with the movement, the action, the realisation
too keep on changing. So, I clearly see that I — that something is floating. But you have
am certainly not the body, the thoughts, the to observe much to see that.
feelings. I see that there is something more to
me than all this, what is that? Is that not this And then you must observe much more
unfailing witnessing of all the happenings of still to see that this, the second thing that
life? Is that not this untouched, ever-present is there, this kind of active conscious will,
witnessing that goes on and on, even when is set in motion by 'something else' which
I am seemingly unaware? watches, judges, decides and tries to found
its decisions on knowledge — that happens
“That is usually the ordinary sensation of even much later. And so, when you begin to
the being, to be so tied to this outer form see this ‘something else’, you begin to see that
that when one thinks of ‘myself’ one thinks it has the power to set in motion the second
of the body. That is the usual thing. The thing, which is an active will; and not only
personal reality is the body’s reality. It is that, but that it has a very direct and very
only when one has made an effort for inner important action on the reactions, the feelings,
development and tried to find something the sensations, and that finally it can have
that is a little more stable in one’s being, that control over all the movements of the being
one can begin to feel that this ‘something’ — this part which watches, observes, judges
which is permanently conscious throughout and decides. That is the beginning of control.
all ages and all change, this something must When one becomes conscious of that, one
be ‘myself’. But that already requires a has seized the thread, and when one speaks
study that is rather deep. Otherwise if you of control, one can know, ‘Ah! Yes, this is
think ‘I am going to do this’, ‘I need that’, what has the power of control’ This is how
it is always your body, a small kind of will one learns to look at oneself (2).”
which is a mixture of sensations, of more
or less confused sentimental reactions, and Using the intensity of suffering as a tool
still more confused thoughts which form a
mixture and are animated by an impulse, Is it then possible to utilise, to use the very
an attraction, a desire, some sort of a will; presence of suffering wholly, fully, in order
and all that momentarily becomes ‘myself’— to receive the message it has for me? For how
but not directly, for one does not conceive long shall I continue to miss the message?
this ‘myself’ as independent of the head, the As long as I continue to miss the message,
trunk, the arms and legs and all that moves the Universe will keep knocking at my door
— it is very closely linked. through an infinite number of ways. The
intelligence of the being will not rest without
It is only after having thought much, seen making us aware of our mistaken identity as
much, studied much, observed much that body, mind and feelings.
you begin to realise that the one is more or
less independent of the other and that the So, we can see this very clearly, that suffering
will behind can make it either act or not act, is there for a reason, if not for any reason,
and you begin not to be completely identified it would have no purpose to be here at all.