Page 11 - NAMAH-Jul-2021
P. 11
The post-Covid world
Introduction how we rebuild ourselves, we shall not only
escape the disaster but also prevent it in the
As the world reels under yet another ‘mass future or else invite more and more blows
hysteria’ and panic, it is time to look within until humanity segregates into two clear
and reflect and ask ourselves which road types, — one that refuses to learn and grow
are we have taken and where it will lead us and chooses to continue on its old familiar
as a civilisation, as a conscious and thinking ways, and another, that heeds the warning
humanity. As the dust begins to settle, it is of the thunder and the crash and uses the
time to take stock and re-orient ourselves moment of ruin to rebuild itself in a better
by looking deeper into the causes and the and beautiful way.
effects, not only of the ‘pandemic’ but also
of our response to it. This is something yet to be seen. As of now,
we can see the foundations on which we had
The poser and the wager built our present civilisation being exposed
along with the rot that had set in them. The
Another giant wave of destruction has passed roots supporting our high-rise buildings and
over like a convulsion or a seizure that from gigantic structures seem to be fear and greed,
time to time shakes the very foundations on lust for power and a constant expansion of
which we hope to build our world. These the circle of our ambition and the spirit of
spasms that seize mankind, whether in appropriation and wanton desire, directed
the form of great wars or epidemics, leave largely towards selfish ends. When we look
a trail of destruction behind as a cyclone back at the end of this convulsion, when we
leaves fallen trees and heaps of dust in its take stock of the situation after the wave
passing. Of course, eventually all this serves has passed and the present noise and cry
as a cleansing process, like the rains that for survival has sunk into a whisper and a
lash out at every door, reminding us of the murmur, we shall perhaps discover that it is
indispensable purification, of building a not the virus that caused so much destruction
deeper foundation for our life that strives as our response to it.
and struggles not just to live and survive,
but to grow and conquer and discover the Faith versus fear
perfection it is meant to be.
While we were too busy counting the dead
The future of mankind depends upon whether and turning human beings and their bodies
it learns the lessons or not. Depending upon into figures and numbers there was something