Page 14 - NAMAH-Jul-2021
P. 14
Namah Vol. 29, Issue 2, 15th July 2021
It is this play with all its clash and strife, something cut off from the world in its sign-
wrestle and embrace that brings out all the less purity.
manifold varied possibilities and fathers the
universe. But behind the forces, there stand There is also an in-between approach that
ideas that have been released into the world tries to take a practical stand, allocating
as rays from the sun. Each idea has its place to the realm of the Spirit a place either of
in the total truth of things, yet each has a a belief-system, a fiction, or imagination of
term and office. That is why absolute Truth the mind and yet even that serves a useful
cannot be discovered in the realm of ideas purpose to solace man. Or else, it accepts
alone, let alone in the play of thoughts. To the intervention of some divine Power in
find the last reconciling Truth one has to leap life in moments of extreme crisis but not in
beyond thought and idea into the parent Sun the running of the everyday affairs of the
of Truth from where they have emerged. world. That is left exclusively to the various
This reconciliation however is the last step branches of knowledge that the human
that humanity must take by placing each mind has discovered. Our Science is one
thing in its own place. But until we can do such field. Thus we exclude or leave out
that, we have to understand the idea-force the Divine in our everyday understanding
operating behind things, behind attitudes and management of the world for which we
and approaches, behind systems and beliefs, have been given a human mind and assign
even behind reason and its trust in certain Him a nice comfortable place in heaven or
instruments of knowledge. seat Him on some pedestal with His main
responsibility for the afterlife.
This of course is only one view of God
and Creation. In the ancient Indian view
of things, Creation is an extension of the
Creator. It is an objectification of the Divine
and therefore cannot be ever separated from
Him. The Divine is too much at the heart
of everything to be ignored. His Will and
When we come to this clash of ideas, we see Intelligence has gone into creation and
that there have always been two types of flows into everything. The mind is only His
humanity wandering upon this earth. One tool and itself a creation of this vast Divine
type believed in the gospel of matter as the Intelligence whose operations fascinate and
main if not the sole reality. Here one looks baffle us. They fascinate us, since we carry
upon the body as having an independent within us some spark of this Intelligence and
reality. It is as if it exists with no reference hence are naturally drawn towards it. As
to anything else in the cosmos except the we understand the mystery of creation, we
mechanical interconnectedness to material also grow in our Intelligence until it begins
nature and biological organisms. This hard- to draw closer to its Source. Yet it baffles us
core materialistic view of life either denies because the mind with its limits is a finite
the Spirit completely or else regards it as power and cannot completely understand the