Page 12 - NAMAH-Jul-2021
P. 12
Namah Vol. 29, Issue 2, 15th July 2021
that was being quietly stolen from us. It is It is perhaps this fear that extends itself in
the typical strategy of the forces of the Night the form of certain religious and ideological
that they distract and divert our attention groups that are always busy exterminating
and thereby enter into our house of life with others since they feel perpetually threatened
stealth under the cover of unconsciousness. by the other. It is this fear that leads men to
While we were busy congratulating ourselves accumulate wealth beyond measure and
on the victories we are winning against a engage in a cut-throat competition and
virus of old, proving the old adage once again an aggressive ambition. It is this fear that
that the fittest survive, something else was has gone into the edifices of our present
crying for survival without which humanity civilisation that has been exposed through
would be nothing but a lump of clay. the pandemic.
This most precious diamond jewel within
our heart that was being stolen is faith. Hope
and faith are the two things that can resurrect
our humanity from scratch. On the other
hand humanity, without these indispensable
elements, is nothing else but a mere cunning
animal and all the worse since it has added to
its armaments of predatory ways the power
of deception that the mind brings. The first
and most important casualty therefore has
been faith.
One could almost see the pandemic as a force
that segregated humanity into two parts. One
section of humanity seems to be so deeply
rooted in fear, fear of survival, fear of loss,
fear of failure, fear of disease, fear of death,
that all its actions are largely driven by fear.
Another section is rooted in faith and lives
through life with a basic trust that all will be
well, regardless of the appearances and the Of course the reason for this fear, its great ally,
difficulties of the passage. is selfishness, the sense of being alone in this
wide world, where each one must fend for
Now one may say that but fear is a protective oneself. Even a group life, where each seems
instinct even as rage is another survival to be helping others, may well be centred
strategy. It may be so at the primitive around fear. One could believe that modern
early stages of evolution when the animal science with its extreme materialistic view
kind, completely submerged in the sea of of life may have added to the magnitude of
unconsciousness, feels all others than itself as fear by constantly bombarding us with this
an alien to be either afraid of or preyed upon. idea that man is nothing more than a lump