Page 18 - NAMAH-Jul-2021
P. 18
Namah Vol. 29, Issue 2, 15th July 2021
into various social pathologies in times personality into a noble and upright human
to come. being. In schools, children learn to share,
make friends, play sports and games that
What is interesting is that political help tremendously in developing their
parties across dividing lines are almost psychological personality. They receive
unanimously together in the strategies influences from teachers that help provide
being adopted. The way waves after waves them new world-views. By mixing with
are being anticipated, narratives being built friends, they discover some aspect of
and vaccination being almost enforced as themselves apart from the qualities of
part of the biggest human trial is something generosity and wideness and plasticity.
unprecedented in history. One wonders
whether the prophesies being made of the The other sector that is affected is farewell
category of people who will be affected and to the dead. Many cremations are taking
the deadly nature of the wave is a scientific place without the presence of the loved
inference or a narrative to push the vaccine ones (who are also afraid or quarantined)
to its utmost limits. as if we were ‘disposing’ of dead bodies,
which is as good as a log of wood. This is
One wonders if vaccines are the final not surprising though given that an extreme
answer to all present and future epidemics materialistic viewpoint has led us to believe
and infections or we need to focus on that all is but matter and our body itself
finding ways and means to develop our is an unconscious mechanical device, a
natural immunity that can subsequently machine like any other machine and if it
act against a host of illnesses. The answer has gone beyond repair then its parts can
is obvious but the direction of research is be used if possible or else destroyed like
not in the direction of the obvious but the any other machine. Certainly the body
very opposite. Quite naturally, boosting has to be cremated but what needs to be
our own immune system means taking understood is that this cremation needs to
the sting out of many illnesses that have take into account not just beliefs and rituals
an immunological basis. It would also but a whole occult understanding of the
mean huge losses to the vaccine and drug dimensions after death. It is only a yogi
manufacturers, though great gain and who can substitute this view which is so
empowerment for the common man. far at least beyond the probe of mainstream
Two areas however need special mention.
First is education. Schools have been shut Though there is clear evidence that life and
for too long. The classes are being done existence do not cease with the cessation of
online and it all sounds good and safe. the breath and heartbeat, there is a period
What is being forgotten is that schools when the inhabiting soul stays connected
are not only spaces for learning physics, with its body and the earth through other
chemistry, mathematics, biology and so on sheaths, yet we make a sharp distinction
but places where even more importantly between the living and the dead as if there
we learn how to groom ourselves and our is no twilight state in between.