Page 19 - NAMAH-Jul-2021
P. 19
Namah Editorial
Sphinx and the question of questions endures the rub and change of time and
even death, if there is something in us, as
The pandemic has brought us face to the spiritual traditions say, of which the
face with the fragility of the human race body and mind are instruments then let
and the inability of reason to find clear- us first find out that.
cut answers. The answers of today are
no longer valid tomorrow. Each solution Each death is at one level a reminder of the
creates other problems. Most of all, it impermanence of life. But also it is a goad
raises an important question about who for the search of the secret immortality of
or what we are in terms of our humanity. which we carry an intuitive sense. This is
A bundle of chemicals dependent upon the question that mankind must answer
other chemicals for our existence, a living first, since depending upon the answer
being who has not yet learnt the true laws we shall take the line of further evolution.
of living, a psychological being that sits This pandemic, like every other collective
helpless in the brain yet unable to have challenge that mankind has faced, is
any control over our biology, or else, a loaded with this question. The simplest of
spiritual being that is the master of all the questions that man has ever asked and yet
other domains of our being? one whose answer changes everything in
our life in-cluding our science and art and
This is the core issue of all our life. For if commerce and administration and politics
we are nothing but a lump of clay then and all the values we uphold. This is the
what is all this noise about? Who then path that opens before those who are ready
survives and what purpose does such a to take it.
survival serve? If we are only a lump of
clay or an organic molecule in which life Those who take it and answer the question,
has somehow sprung up through a series posed by the Sphinx and turning their
of random events and accidents then what face towards the sun, stop believing in
are we really trying to save, an illusory the reality of death knowing that the Self
momentary self? But if we are something in us never dies will move to one side.
greater; if there is within us, something that For them are victory and eternal good
and the journey towards the sun. On the
other hand, those cocooned in fear, in the
shell of the ego, afraid of death are indeed
taken by the Sphinx who embodies death
and eternity at the same time. Depending
upon what we see does she reveal herself
to each one of us.
Let us close with these revealing lines from
Sri Aurobindo’s prophetic poem, ‘A Vision
of Science’:
“I dreamed that in myself the world I saw,