Page 35 - NAMAH-Jul-2021
P. 35
Namah Perspective
in an innovatively spiritual way, compared traction, may reveal a lot of spontaneous
to life in the outer world? patterns of thinking that move us away
from our natural ‘Truth’. We understand
In fact, exhausting our capacity of entertain- why our usual ‘entertainments’ do not sat-
ment may lead us to two opposite outcomes. isfy us anymore. In the end, they leave us
One may lead us to a deep boredom and frustrated and more desperate than ever
depression or to eventually become prey of before. Seeking the Truth becomes worth-
incarnated adverse forces, such as fear, anger while. Something has definitively changed.
and other low energy forms. Another pos- Entertainment no longer remains the ulti-
sibility might enhance our commitment for mate way to face any kind of frustration.
inner work, leading us to foster the Truth to
reveal itself. At the very least, it may unmask Once this period of isolation ends and there is
the invisible strategic antagonism between the possibility to get back to our previous life-
truth and entertainment. As spiritual seekers, habits, as if nothing has happened, we might
if we are to suffer isolation due to Covid, we figure out how much we have gained form this
can always try to remain tranquil and faithful, period of forced confinement. The experience
not get overwhelmed by unexpected insights may give us the best possible opportunity to
or emotions and observe the extent to which implement a more conscious life.
this unique period can help us to distinguish
entertainment from Truth.By obtaining a new
understanding of the mechanisms involved
in our daily routine, we may gain the oppor-
tunity to sweep away the confusion of our
existence. We might discover unexpected and
true new rules, not related to entertainment
and favouring a new lifestyle to be imple-
mented once lockdown is over.
Entertainment in the Truth during con-
We all may know those ‘do-holic’ people finement
who constantly need to do something,
whatever ‘doing’ might entail. In fact, if Entertainment is helpful, when used smartly
we dig a bit deeper into our routine, we as a tool for changing focus during specific
can measure how uncomfortable ‘doing times of exhaustion. However, over-distracting
nothing at all’ may be. Very few among us ourselves may lead to the opposite result, such
can actually manage doing really nothing, as covering a truth that is constantly available.
be it for even a short period of time. Doing Like always, a balance of behaviour is probably
‘nothing’ can become an authentic daily the best attitude.
practice, like pranayama, meditation, physical
workout or even gardening or dish-washing. Some personal enquiries, while we entertain
The practice of simply ‘sitting and observing’, ourselves:
when it lasts more than just a few minutes, • What is entertainment for me? Do I have the
without any kind of entertainment or dis- tendency to entertain myself frequently?