Page 34 - NAMAH-Jul-2021
P. 34
Namah Vol. 29, Issue 2, 15th July 2021
time, I used to play Tetris for distraction. As possibility of entertainment has been
an experiment, (due to an inability to sleep), I explored, we might find ourselves naked
took my cellphone and started a new game. I — a true discovery — giving us at least a
focused more and more on the game because, glimpse of our inner Truth.
as you may know, the more you advance
the faster it becomes. I reached a level I had One feature of Truth is that it remains the
never reached before! At some peculiar in- same, regardless of circumstances. On the
stant, the pain totally disappeared. I stopped other hand, due to our capacity for memory
a few seconds and asked myself, “Oh, what and weariness, one constantly looks for other
happened? I do not feel anything, where is ways to get excited, for more sophisticated
my pain?” At that very moment, the pain means of entertainment. Entertainment
rushed back into me, just as strong as before! needs to constantly shift, otherwise it is
not entertainment anymore. Meanwhile,
Psychological suffering is similar to physical Truth silently observes the succession of
pain, though on different levels. Therefore, the various entertainments happening within
same tools of entertainment and distraction a lifetime.
can be used to reduce psychological suffering
and, from a broader perspective, address Repetitive periods of isolation compel us to
mental issues. When one experiences mental exhaust our possibilities of entertainment.
challenges during isolation, looking for any When the confinement started, everything
possible means that can distract us from this that offered us an opportunity for distraction
former stage, is welcome. Depending on was welcomed. We enjoyed a new oppor-
one’s specific inclination, listening to music, tunity for resting, focusing on ourselves or
watching videos or a series, making physical making new choices in life, etc. At first, we
exercises, etc. can distract and, temporarily, were happy to be forced to quarantine.
relieve the mental exhaustion.
However, being truthful, up to what extent?
What truly is entertainment: the inter- After months of the virus and several isola-
connection between Truth and enter- tions, where are we now truly? When the
tainment? confinement lasts too long, is entertainment
enough to handle those periods of loneliness
However, when confinement and isolation and inactivity? Probably not. Evidence can be
last too long, we may also reach the limit found in the numbers worldwide suffering
to our external capacities of entertainment. from depression, violence and mental-related
We may reach a point where nothing can issues.
distract us anymore. So what do we do next?
At that stage, we could use this exhaustion Truth during confinement
to get a clearer view of what entertainment
truly is, and how, consciously or not, we Auroville is the city of Truth, and most of us
have the capacity to use it to change focus, come to Auroville to seek the Truth. So how
not just during lockdown but in our entire could isolation better fit our commitment
life. Due to the confinement, when every than to be here? What could lead us to behave