Page 11 - NAMAH-Oct-2021
P. 11
Apropos destruction
Is the human being alone responsible for assumed that he carries a programmed denial
all destruction, even that of destruction by of himself. The human being therefore extends
Nature’s fury? In a sense, man does destroy his corporeal limits to incorporate a non-being
through his folly, his jealousy, his hatred, or a being of nothingness and within that
his craving for power and his idiosyncratic relation, destruction becomes a phenomenon
ideas. But when a cyclone lashes, or an earth- capable of experience. In other words, the
quake quivers or a viral pandemic rages human being can experience destruction and
unstoppably — is it facilitated due to some therefore invite destruction.This is because
corresponding destructible component in the human being is simultaneously related to
the human psyche? a being of destruction within the penumbra
of his transcendence.
This is Sartre’s contention:
“In a sense, certainly, man is the only being
by whom a destruction can be accomplished.
A geological plication, a storm do not destroy
— or at least they do not destroy directly; they
merely modify the distribution of masses of
beings…There is something else. Even this
expression is improper, for to posit otherness
there must be a witness who can retain the past
in some manner and compare it to the present
Perhaps the spectre of death creates the in the form of no longer. In the absence of this
impression that life is programmed to be witness, there is a being before us as after the
destroyed. If we believe that the only and storm — that is all. If a cyclone can bring about
final destiny of the human being is death, the death of certain living beings, this death
we automatically acknowledge a dimension will be destruction only if it is experienced as
of nothingness in our being that makes us such. In order for destruction to exist, there
somewhat fragile. Such fragility itself would must be first a relation of man to being, i.e. a
facilitate the phenomenon of destruction. transcendence; and within the limits of this
And because the human being, unlike the relation, it is necessary that man apprehend
ape, is unique for he has the cerebrum with one being as destructible. This supposes a
great frontal lobes, he carries the centre of limiting cutting into being by a being, which….
cognitive consciousness and thus it can be is already a process of nihilation (1).”