Page 16 - NAMAH-Oct-2021
P. 16

Namah                                  Vol. 29, Issue 3, 15th October 2021

        limitation of outer instruments when it  we have taught ourselves to embrace this
        stumbled upon the atomic world. Quantum  insecurity. Now, many people feel comfortable
        mechanics shifted the belief from certainty  subjecting all claims of truth to the scientific
        to probability. High speeds and large  method and uncomfortable otherwise. If a
        distances in space showed the relative  remedy works on all the people who have
        nature of perception. The absolute truths  tried it, but it has not been tested on a vast
        floundered, opening the door for another  population against a control group, these
        age. The new age that has dawned now has  science-worshippers may not call it a remedy
        been embraced by early risers. It is called  at all. The bhakta’s method of verifying a claim
        the subjective age, where the soul with the  is to look for a quote from the guru or a verse
        antahhkaranna will play a major role as the  from the wisdom texts that validates it. To an
        gatherer of truth.                       unbiased observer both the methods would
                                                 seem to be based on faith. The laws of physical
        The subjective age                       nature do not apply in the dream space, or
                                                 to psychical or spiritual experiences. These
        Sri Aurobindo, in his writing on social evolution,  are large spaces a person dwells in every
        The Human Cycle, lays out the history of these  day. So for practical purposes, the scientific
        ages of man, from symbolic to rational. Then  method falls short. The subjective age would
        he speaks for the need of a subjective age:  bring back personal experiences as legitimate
                                                 measures of truth.
        “For in his study of himself and the world he
        cannot but come face to face with the soul in  The Western knowledge academy
        himself and the soul in the world and find
        it to be an entity so profound, so complex,  Most of the world has accepted the Western
        so full of hidden secrets and powers that  knowledge academy that uses the scientific
        his intellectual reason betrays itself as an  method of enquiry. Colonisation forced the
        insufficient light and a fumbling seeker: it is  South and East to uphold the Western method
        successfully analytical only of superficialities  so thoroughly that their indigenous systems
        and of what lies just behind the superficies.  were derogatorily termed ‘blind faith’ and
        The need of a deeper knowledge must then  the new one from Europe was accepted as
        turn him to the discovery of new powers and  ‘the enlightenment’. The old systems existed
        means within himself (2).”               from the symbolic age and fell into obscure
                                                 ways, and no doubt there is much to gain
        Even though the rational age has made  from being rational, but it is a passage, and
        us dependent on machines, deep down at  not the last station of man. The subjective age
        the visceral and nervous layer, this shift in  assigns a new place to reason, a subordinate
        behaviour makes us anxious. It tells us that  one that helps in decolonising the mind of
        our experiences are not valid. Our senses are  previously colonised peoples. When using the
        unreliable. Our reality is an illusion. We are  indigenous methods to acquire knowledge, a
        not in control anymore. Our environment  different kind of knowledge is also acquired.
        can deceive us. Our instincts are crude;  In the same essay by Sri Aurobindo quoted
        our intuitions misleading. Over generations  above, he speaks about the subjective age and

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