Page 12 - NAMAH-Oct-2021
P. 12

Namah                                  Vol. 29, Issue 3, 15th October 2021

        What if there was a different world-view!  metaphysical Non-Being who is termed
        Actually there can be many world-views,  such as it surpasses our cognitive grasp but
        all of which represent partial truths. And Sri  is actually the Spirit who simultaneously
        Aurobindo explains that the global cognitive  holds the Transcendental, Universal and
        field of the Overmind allows a plethora of  Individual poises of Reality.
        partial truths to flourish so as to constitute a
        variegated manifestation. Thus was created  Moreover, destruction per se is not merely
        the world of multiplicity, which was also  the opposite of creation and survival. On
        Ignorance, as the unity of the manifestation  the contrary, it is incorporated in the very
        representing Knowledge had to be sacrificed  programme of creation. It is perpetual
        for uniqueness of the world-integers to flourish.  destruction that assures a perpetual renewal
                                                 of forms. Sri Aurobindo views death not as
        A synthesis of unity and multiplicity, of  a denial of life but as a process of Life, “….
        knowledge and ignorance cannot take place   death is necessary because the eternal change of
        in the global cognitive field of the Overmind   form is the sole immortality to which the finite
        for the simple reason that a global playing-  living substance can aspire and eternal change
        field has to support simultaneously all the   of experience the sole infinity to which the finite
        unique integers in a manifestation. (The  mind involved in living body can attain (2).”
        Mind-principle, which is a derivative of
        the Overmind, cannot support all integers  And can the witness be an extra-corporeal
        simultaneously for it is not impartial in its  being or even a temporal being? The actual
        dealings). The synthesis can only take place  witness is the unchanging Spirit or Jivatman
        in the integral cognitive field of the supreme  that supports the soul-element in evolution
        creative consciousness of the Supermind.  through itself, behind the manifestation,
                                                 supporting and upholding it. If Sartre contends
        In an integral world-view, all denouements  that it is not feasible to have a witness in the flux
        change.                                  of Time, he is not wrong. For the witness has
                                                 to be poised in timelessness — it is that which
        Firstly, the being not only can extend to  withstands aeonic vicissitudes and raises us
        a non-being of nothingness, which is all  from “the yoke imposed by birth in Time (3).”
        where the ego can take us to, it can also
        extend to a fourth-dimensional being of  And finally the human being is not merely
        fulfilment and plenitude which is the soul-  a trans-phenomenal being in the sense that
        principle in evolution. Thus the phenomenal  behind the phenomenon of the apparent
        being in time and space is supported by  being is the Freudian unconscious being and
        a noumenal being poised in infinity and  the Sartre’s destructible being of nothingness
        eternity. If destruction is programmed in  and the metaphysical conception of the
        the phenomenal world, the immortality  soul; man is, in Aurobindonian terms, also
        of consciousness is also programmed in  a transitional being, “Man is not final, he is a
        the trans-phenomenal perspective. In     transitional being. Beyond him awaits formation
        other words, if there is a perceived non-  of the diviner race, the superman (4).”
        being that heralds destruction; there is a  The universe awaits a gradually unfolding

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