Page 39 - NAMAH-Jan-2022
P. 39
Namah The call of the supernatural
people. Then there are the faithful followers. prominence is that the time-spirit is favouring
When their social media friends praise a book, the supernatural worlds. Perhaps they are
or a bestseller list touts it, people fall for it. close at hand, ready to manifest. They are
manifesting through artists who are open to
This fantasy world punishes the stupid and imagination. Good and bad forces are seeking
slow, but also the selfish and the arrogant. In to real-ise themselves in language and images.
fact, one must be wary, for things shapeshift, Some people are lending their instruments to
and loyalties can also change. One must use evil powers, some to the good. And the battle
one’s intuition rather than reason to negotiate of the other realm is coming home in a new
the maze of relationships. Love, gratitude, form. Some are falling in love with dystopias,
kindness, are rewarded, just as they are in which is concerning. But being closed to the
the real world. Greed, hatred, meanness, fantasy world is also concerning. For I believe
are punished. In this world justice seems to it exists. We visit them in our dreams and
work better than in the real world. Something bring back much joy and beauty from them.
within feels more satisfied to live here than We learn wisdom there. We experience things
in the real world of moral corruption and we would not in the real world. We expand
rampant injustice. ourselves. We become Supermen and Wonder
Women in our imagination. And gradually
Another reason I feel fantasies have gained with practice we will real-ise a new creation.
Lopa Mukherjee is a psychologist and educator. She conducts workshops and teaches culture, soft skills
and related subjects. She lives in Pondicherry.