Page 34 - NAMAH-Jan-2022
P. 34

Namah                                  Vol. 29, Issue 4, 15th January 2022

        new possibilities seem to emerge as a result  ageing and death.
        of evolutionary challenges. It is as if there is
        concealed within each atom of existence a  However, this is possible only if he does
        tremendous evolutionary impulsion that is  not stifle these possibilities by offering
        pushing matter to evolve from what we call  second-hand remedies such as the massive
        as inanimate matter to a half-conscious man.  health-structure we have built. What is
        But is matter really inanimate and non-living  needed however is to tap the possibilities of
        unless we define life in certain fixed restricted  conscious evolution through yoga, for that is
        ways? The universe expands (moves) and  what yoga really is. It is conscious and hence
        brings out of itself many seeds called stars  concentrated evolution, taking place through
        while absorbing back those which are born  union with our own highest possibility of
        and die or disappear into oblivion. The day  perfection. In other words, two things are
        we understand that matter is living at some  required to actualise these higher possibilities
        level and there is in it consciousness pushing  of the body.
        it towards newer manifestations then we shall
        find the key to the mystery of the human  First is a faith in these possibilities, a faith
        body and its evolutionary capabilities. It will  that is consistent with reason in the sense
        be inconsistent with the logical trajectory of  that if evolution is the mechanism through
        evolution to believe that evolution is over  which the human body has developed so far
        with man.                                through all the forms that preceded it then its
                                                 further evolution is a logical conclusion. The
        This can at best be an anthropocentric view  human body itself then becomes a means, a
        of creation but one that cannot hold long  foot stool or a scaffolding for the evolutionary
        because it is inconsistent with creation.  power, call it whatever, to build further, to
        Its only use or rather misuse is to paint  evolve further, to lead us further to a newer,
        God in a human image and then to curse  higher and better body which is the direction
        Him because He made us so incomplete  that evolution tends to take.
        and limited. But if we take the view that
        there are infinite possibilities hidden in  Secondly, we have to disinherit the belief
        matter itself, then it will not be difficult to  that whatever we have discovered so far
        assume that the story of evolution is not yet  through a material approach to a living
        finished and man himself is a bridge or a  body is the last limit. There could be
        catalyst towards still higher creations. He
        is, at worst, a transient being whose fate
        hangs in the balance of how he responds
        to the evolutionary pressure from within
        and around. At best, it opens the doors
        to a conscious evolution and thereby not
        only overpasses his present limitations,
        but discovers the ultimate possibilities
        that he dreams of, among which there
        is eventually the conquest over disease,

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